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WBW Elimination Series (21.11.2012)

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WBW Elimination Series (21.11.2012) Empty WBW Elimination Series (21.11.2012)

Beitrag  InsaneJay 13.08.13 6:00

Während er den Weg beschreitet schaut er sich um, er sucht offensichtlich etwas oder Jemanden, Derweil starren ihn die wenigen Mitarbeiter der WBW ein wenig irritiert an. Er sieht eine Tür auf welcher steht "Fitness-Raum" und betritt jenes Zimmer. Es sind einige Trainingsgeräte wie Hanteln und Laufbänder zu erkennen, sowie einige Wrestler, auch der erfahrene Rudi, welcher sich gerade etwas verschwitzt, von einer Hantelbank erhebt. Bounty scheint nachzudenken und geht auf Rudi zu um ihn direkt anzusprechen.

"Ihr da, Rudi. Sprecht rasch, wo ist Senic? Meine Wenigkeit sucht ihn!"

Rudi schaut kurz irritiert auf den übergewichtigen. Doch statt zu antworten schnappt er sich ein weißes Handtuch und wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirn, während er einen großen Mann begrüßt, welcher aufkreuzt und eine andere Hantelbank besteigt, wo er sich auf den Rücken legt und beginnt eine nicht allzu schwere Hantel zu stemmen. Ungeduldig und sauer starrt Bounty den Wrestler an.

"Seniler Rudi, antwortet mir gefälligst oder seid Ihr dessen nicht mehr fähig?"

Erneut schaut Rudi dorthin und beginnt endlich, sehr locker, zu sprechen.

"Du bist doch der Partner von Senic. Bleib' locker. Dein seltsamer Tyrann ist nicht in der Nähe."

"Wie könnt Ihr es wagen in diesem Ton über Senic zu sprechen? Er ist kein Tyrann, er ist eine wundervolle Persönlichkeit. Er hat Klasse, Charme und Persönlichkeit!"

"Persö...? Nein, das ist zuviel des Guten. Noch mehr bin ich nicht fähig auszusprechen. Du veräppelst mich doch, du hast nur Angst, wenn du willst kann ich dir ein bisschen an Kampfkunst beibringen, dann bekommst du mehr Selbstvertrauen."

Bounty wird regelrecht wütend, sein Kopf ist schon ziemlich rot.

"Für einen Pöbel seid Ihr äußerst vorlaut, Ihr ..."

Bevor er den Satz beenden kann, klatscht Rudi zweimal locker auf den Bauch von Bounty.

 "Hör' doch bei Senic auf, komm' auf meine Seite."

Ein leichtes Lächeln zeichnet sich auf Rudi´s Gesicht ab. Dann merkt er das jemand hinter ihm steht. Er dreht sich um und Senic steht ihm gegenüber, bekleidet mit den üblichen Entranceklamotten. Er scheint alles andere als gut gelaunt, sogar äußerst stinkig. Kurz zögert Rudi, doch dann versucht er es mit Humor.

"Oh! Man rufe Mr. Sherlock Holmes! Professor Moriarty hat die Bühne betreten!"

"Behaltet Euren dümmlichen Sinn für Ironie für Euch, Rudi. Ihr habt meinem Partner eben auf den Bauch geklopft. Allein diese Tat gleicht einer Handgreiflichkeit mir gegenüber. Wie könnt Ihr es wagen?"

"Wirklich, du tust immer so hart und skrupelos, doch auch unter dieser harten Schale wird ein weicher Kern stecken!"
(Dieses Segment wurde von Senic verfasst)

The Viper vs. Beautiful Fox (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 255 pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri, The Viper!!! (crowd cheers )

[The old music of Randy Orton starts and firework stars from the stage. ]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 114 pounds, from Mountain View, Kalifornien, Beautiful Fox!!! (crowd cheers )

[The music plays the theme of Kane and the stage goes of in flames.
The Viper checks his boots.
Beautiful Fox checks out the ring.
(ding, ding, ding) Beautiful Fox gets the faceslam elbow attack from The Viper!!
The Viper gets back to his feet.
They lockup. The Viper sends Beautiful Fox to the corner of the ring.
Beautiful Fox attacks The Viper with a dropkick to the face.
Beautiful Fox gets up.
The Viper is back on his feet.
Beautiful Fox hits The Viper with variable kicks.
Beautiful Fox arm drags The Viper.
Beautiful Fox covers The Viper.
Dave counts.
...1 The Viper kicks out.]

John - Not even close!

[Beautiful Fox hits The Viperwith a dropkick to the back!
Beautiful Fox chants start.
Beautiful Fox moves back to his feet.
The Viper is back on his feet.
The Viper monkey flips Beautiful Fox onto the mat.
The Viper is back on his feet.
Beautiful Fox is up again.
Beautiful Fox hits The Viperwith a dropkick to the back!
Beautiful Fox gets up.
The Viper is up again.
Beautiful Fox attacks The Viper with a dropkick to the face.
They lockup. Beautiful Fox sends The Viper to the corner of the ring.
Beautiful Fox hits The Viperwith a dropkick to the back!
Beautiful Fox moves back to his feet.
Beautiful Fox attacks The Viper with the Face Lift!
Beautiful Fox covers The Viper.
Referee Dave makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - Beautiful Fox has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Beautiful Fox!!!


Senic starrt kurz verwirrt auf Rudi und beginnt dann hämisch zu lachen. Nachdem er sich wieder etwas beruhigt hat streichelt er kurz mit dem Daumen sein kräftiges Kinn und geht nachdenklich mit der Hand über Kiefer. Er nimmt die Hand wieder runter und spricht sein Gegenüber an.

"Solche Worte von einem Heuchler wie Euch? Ich sah Euch als Beliar. Jeder Mensch hat eine dunkle Seite, Ihr habt Eure gezeigt. Euren Bewunderern heuchelt Ihr vor Euch geändert zu haben, dabei habt Ihr doch nur Angst vor dem Hohn, den Ihr als Beliar hattet. Dieser dunkle Krieger steckt immer noch in Euch, eines Tages wird Euch das bewusst. In Eurem verfaulten Herzen wisst Ihr, dass Ihr mich nur darum beneidet, dass ich bin wer ich bin und es nicht nötig habe all' den bemitleidenswerten Zuschauern meine Zuneigung und meinen Respekt vorzugaukeln. Zuerst war ich zornig, doch nun kann ich nur noch über Euch lachen!"

Der zuvor noch gutgelaunte Rudi verliert sein Lächeln und wird zunehmend ernster und auch ein wenig wütend. Er packt Senic am Rüschenhemd zerrt ihn zu sich heran und brüllt ihn an.


Er lässt wieder los, scheint über das eben Geschehene nachzudenken und beruhigt sich, während Senic selbstzufrieden und böswillig grinst.

 "Gray! Egal was du sagst, ich bin Rudi nicht Beliar. Ich heuchle den Leuten nichts vor, als Beliar war ich ein Heuchler. Jetzt bin ich der Mann, der ich bin. Du wirst es vielleicht nie verstehen, aber meine Fans, geben mir mehr Kraft als du jemals haben wirst."

"Schwachsinn! Ihr seid ein Versager, nur wenig mehr wert als dieser Hinterwäldler Haggy52! Und auch gegen Schahin H werdet Ihr versagen, das prophezeie ich Euch, vorausgesetzt Ihr werdet gegen ihn kämpfen dürfen. Zumal Parasit verdient gegen Schahin H kämpft, ihm würde ich sogar den Sieg zutrauen!"

"Selbst wenn ich versage, ja und? Es ist keine Schande zu verlieren wenn der Gegner besser ist. Wir haben beide noch keinen Sieg gegen Haggy52 eingefahren. Du hast versagt, zweimal in kürzester Zeit und noch dazu habt Ihr... verdammt, schon rede ich wie du. Du hast noch dazu gegen Crusher versagt!"

Erneut lacht Senic.

"Ihr kapiert gar nichts. Mein Sieg über Schahin H ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. Und anders als Ihr ist er ein wahrhaft respektabler Duellant. Und Crusher, ich verlor nicht, ich ging weg. Anders als Ihr werde ich mich nicht mit einem niederen Titel zufrieden geben. Da fällt mir ein. Wäre es nicht an der Zeit die aktive Karriere zu beenden, alter Mann?"

"Vergiss es! Ich werde der WBW noch Jahre erhalten bleiben. Und was den Kampf gegen Crusher und Haggy52 angeht, so sehr du darauf bestehst, den höchsten Titel zu schnappen, war dies nicht viel eher die Aktion eines Feiglings?"

Sofort ergreift Senic den Rudi und dieser ihn. Sie starren sich sauer Auge in Auge.

"Und jetzt?"

"Rudi. Ihr hättet es verdient von mir verprügelt zu werden. Dummerweise habe ich es mir zur Pflicht gemacht den Pöbel Haggy52 abzufertigen, somit muss mein Zorn auf Euch verweilen. Eines Tages werden wir aufeinandertreffen, falls Ihr dann überhaupt noch in der Lage seid zu kämpfen, alter Mann!"

Er geht langsam Richtung Ausgang und bleibt bei der Hantelbank stehen, wo der Mann trainiert, welcher von Rudi begrüßt wurde. Wütend ergreift er die Hantel und drückt sie mit viel Kraft einmal nach unten. Der Mann beginnt zu zappeln und schafft es nicht mehr sie hochzustemmen. Senic verlässt das Zimmer und Rudi eilt dem Mann zur Hilfe um die Hantel anzuheben. Der Benachteiligte schnauft kurz durch, während Rudi die Hantel auf die Halterung der Hantelbank legt und Senic, welcher von seinem Partner Bounty begleitet wurde, sauer hinterher schaut.

(Dieses Segment wurde von Senic verfasst)

Jin Kazama vs. Rudi Mystery vs. Testphase vs. Tyrox (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Weapon survival death match)

Tony - This match is a Weapon survival death match. Coming to ring first, weighing in at 242 pounds, from Twilight Town, Jin Kazama!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays the theme of Shawn Micheals and the Stage goes off in flames and Jin clapped the hands of his fans and wait in the ring for the bell.]

Tony - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 290 pounds, from Pirmasens, Rudi Mystery!!! (crowd cheers **)

[A pyro burns while Rudi Mystery entrance theme Edguy - Ministry of Saints plays. He entered the Ring very slowly. At the ring he jumps on the post an the fans chants his Name.]

Tony - introducing third, weighing in at 203 pounds, from Cameron, North Carolina, Testphase!!! (crowd cheers **)

[The music plays the heel theme and firework comes down.]

Tony - And finally, weighing in at 225 pounds, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, Tyrox!!! (crowd cheers )

[The Music plays the Theme of John Cena and the Fans are happy.
Jin Kazama checks his boots.
Dave checks Rudi Mystery's boots and knee pads.
Testphase walks around the ring.
Tyrox tests out the ropes.
(the bell rings) They lockup. Testphase sends Jin Kazama to the corner of ring.
Testphase trys for a monkey flip but is unable to lift Jin Kazama.
Testphase bounces Jin Kazama off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Testphase is back on his feet.
Jin Kazama moves back to his feet.
Jin Kazama executes the German suplex on Testphase.
Jin Kazama sucks chants start in the crowd.
Testphase stands up.]

John - Jin Kazama is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Jin Kazama bounces Testphase off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Testphase gets up.
Brogue Kick for Jin Kazama!!
Jin Kazama is flung through a table.]

John - Are you enjoying this match?

Andi - Oh yeah!

[Tyrox spins aroround Testphase's back and DDT's him into the wood.
Tyrox climbs to his feet.
They lockup. Tyrox sends Testphase to the corner of table.
Tyrox delivers a kick to the head of Testphase.
Testphase moves back to his feet.
Tyrox tackles Testphase.
Tyrox stands up.
Tyrox gets sent into the turnbuckle while Testphase hits him with a splash.
Testphase throws trash can at Tyrox.]

John - My God!! What a match!

[RKO for Tyrox!
Tyrox moves back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery trys for a frog splash but Jin Kazama avoids it.
Jin Kazama is up again.
Rudi Mystery slams Jin Kazama through a table.]

Andi - My God!! What a match!

[Jin Kazama powerbombs Rudi Mystery.
Rudi Mystery gets back to his feet.
Jin Kazama throws tv at Rudi Mystery.]

John - My God!! What a match!

[Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with a heart punch.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery punches Jin Kazama repeatedly.
Rudi Mystery bounces Jin Kazama off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Jin Kazama executes an airplane spin on Rudi Mystery.]

John - Rudi Mystery takes a airplane spin.

[Jin Kazama climbs to his feet.
They start up the cage!
They step onto the top of the titatron!
Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Rudi Mystery bounces Jin Kazama off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Jin Kazama gets back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Jin Kazama.
Jin Kazama climbs to his feet.
Tyrox throws Testphase off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.]

Andi - If Tyrox keeps using moves like that rolling clothesline he could win the match!

[They step onto the cage and get down!]

John - It was a smart move to Cage. Testphase no longer has to watch out for weapons. They climb to the top of the cage!

[Tyrox trys for a triple powerbomb but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.
They step down on to the cage.]

Andi - It was a smart move to Cage. Rudi Mystery no longer has to watch out for weapons. They climb to the top of the cage!

[Tyrox kicks Rudi Mystery in the head.
Rudi Mystery gets back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery bounces Tyrox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Rudi Mystery clotheslines Tyrox.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Tyrox.
Tyrox climbs to his feet.
Tyrox goes for a fisherman suplex but Rudi Mystery dodges the attack.]

John - Tyrox is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Tyrox spins aroround Jin Kazama's back and DDT's him into the steel cage.
Now Tyrox standing.
They step down on to the cage.]

Andi - It was a smart move to Cage. Jin Kazama no longer has to watch out for weapons. They climb to the top of the cage!

[Testphase is back on his feet.
They lockup. Testphase sends Jin Kazama to the corner of top of cage.
Testphase trys for a monkey flip but is unable to lift Jin Kazama.
RKO for Jin Kazama!
They lockup. Testphase sends Jin Kazama to the corner of top of cage.]

John - Jin Kazama takes a weak move.

[Testphase bounces Jin Kazama off the ropes and faceslams him onto the steel cage.
Testphase climbs to his feet.
Jin Kazama is back on his feet.
Jin Kazama is surprised by Testphase with the RKO!
They lockup. Testphase sends Jin Kazama to the corner of top of cage.
Jin Kazama picks up Testphase and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Jin Kazama hits Testphase with an elbowdrop.
Jin Kazama moves back to his feet.
They step down on to the cage.
They fall into the pit, Are they alright?
They climb back to the aisle.
This fight is continued in the locker room!
Its taken outside!
Jin Kazama hits a frog splash on Testphase.
Jin Kazama gets back to his feet.
Jin Kazama executes a piledriver on Testphase.
Jin Kazama sucks chants start in the crowd.
Testphase moves back to his feet.
Testphase is speared by Jin Kazama.
Jin Kazama covers Testphase.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - Jin Kazama has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Jin Kazama!!!


Parasit kommt in das Büro von General Manager InsaneJay. „Crusher hat sich Schahin für das heutige Match als Partner angeboten. Und da ihr beide auch eine gemeinsame Geschichte habt..“

„Dachtest du, dass ich dein Partner sein möchte, um mich gegen ihn zu stellen. Okay, ich bin dabei.“

Schahin H & Crusher vs. Parasit & InsaneJay (Non-Title Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Schahin H & Crusher!!!

[Schahin H and Crusher are entering the arena.]

Tony - and their opponents, the team of Parasit & InsaneJay.

[Parasit enters the arena. InsaneJay follows him.
Parasit checks out the ring.
Schahin H tests out the ropes.
(ding, ding, ding) Parasit punches Schahin H repeatedly.
Crusher tagged in by Schahin H.
The Devils Parasit clotheslines Crusher.
Crusher tags in Schahin H.
Schahin H kicks Parasit in the back of the leg.
Schahin H hits Parasit with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H gets up.
InsaneJay tagged in by Parasit.
InsaneJay suplexes Schahin H.
The Devils Parasit punches Schahin H repeatedly.
They lockup. InsaneJay sends Schahin H to the corner of the ring.]

John - Come on ref! Do something!! Schahin H is being double teamed!

[Schahin H hits The InsaneClassic with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H moves back to his feet.
The InsaneClassic gets up.
The InsaneClassic connects with a low blow. Schahin H goes down.
The InsaneClassic tags Parasit.
InsaneJay sets Schahin H up DDTs him into the mat.
The InsaneClassic suplexes Schahin H.
InsaneJay sets Schahin H up DDTs him into the mat.]

Andi - Schahin H is being double teamed!

[They lockup. Schahin H sends The InsaneClassic to the corner of the ring.
Parasit tags in InsaneJay.
Schahin H receives a reverse neckbreaker by The InsaneClassic.]

John - Oh no! Schahin H is being double teamed

[Schahin H bounces The InsaneClassic off the ropes and clotheslines him.
The InsaneClassic climbs to his feet.
The InsaneClassic brings in Parasit for Parasit & InsaneJay.
The Devils Parasit superkicks Schahin H.
The Devils Parasit brings in The InsaneClassic for Parasit & InsaneJay.
Schahin H goes for a power move but InsaneJay dodges the attack.
Schahin H drags InsaneJay to the floor.
Earl starts the count (.1)
(..2) Schahin H hits The InsaneClassic with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

John - Schahin H with a headbutt.

Schahin H kicks The InsaneClassic in the stomach.]

Andi - Schahin H with a kick.

[(....4) Schahin H hits InsaneJay with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.]

John - Schahin H with a elbowdrop.

[Schahin H climbs to his feet.
(.....5) Schahin H and InsaneJay move back into the ring.
Schahin H bounces InsaneJay off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Schahin H covers InsaneJay hooking the leg.
Earl counts.
...1 InsaneJay escapes.]

Andi - Schahin H should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Schahin H with a headbutt on InsaneJay.]

John - Schahin H executes a headbutt.

[InsaneJay tags in The Devils Parasit.
InsaneJay knocks Schahin H out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.
Parasit hits Schahin H with a heart punch.]

Andi - This is just awefull! Schahin H is being double teamed!

[Parasit hits Schahin H with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Schahin H makes the tag to Crusher.
Crusher executes a jawbreakeron The Devils Parasit.
The Devils Parasit gets up.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on The Devils Parasit sending him to the mat.
The Devils Parasit brings in The InsaneClassic for Parasit & InsaneJay.
Parasit punches Crusher repeatedly.]

Andi - This is just awefull! Crusher is being double teamed!

[Parasit moves back to his feet.
Crusher goes for a German suplex but Parasit dodges the attack.
The InsaneClassic tags Parasit.
Parasit drives a forearm into Crusher.]

John - This is just awefull! Crusher is being double teamed!

[Crusher executes a jawbreakeron The Devils Parasit.]

Andi - Crusher with a jawbreaker.

[Crusher gets back to his feet.
They lockup. Crusher sends Parasit to the corner of the ring.
The Devils Parasit forearm smashes Crusher.]

John - The Devils Parasit with a forearm smash.

[The Devils Parasit hits Crusher with a heart punch.
Crusher tags Schahin H.
Schahin H lifts Parasit and delivers a back breaker.]

Andi - This is just awefull! Parasit is being double teamed!

[Schahin H hits Parasit with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

John - headbutt!

[Schahin H kicks The Devils Parasit in the stomach.]

Andi - kick!

[Schahin H hits The Devils Parasit with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H is up again.
The Devils Parasit tags The InsaneClassic.
The Insane Death Drop for Schahin H! Oh yeah!!
InsaneJawbreaker for Schahin H!]

John - This is just awefull! Schahin H is being double teamed!

[Schahin H grabs InsaneJay's head and DDT's him on the mat.]

Andi - If Schahin H keeps using moves like that DDT he could win the match!

[Schahin H climbs to his feet.
Schahin H tags Crusher.
Crusher punches InsaneJay repeatedly.]

John - This is just awefull! The InsaneClassic is being double teamed!

[They lockup. The InsaneClassic sends Crusher to the corner of the ring.]

Andi - weak move!

[The InsaneClassic drives a forearm into the head of Crusher.]

John - Crusher takes a forearm smash.

[Schahin H tagged in by Crusher.
The InsaneClassic gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Schahin H.
InsaneJay gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Schahin H.
The Devils Parasit tagged in by InsaneJay.
The Devils Parasit superkicks Schahin H.
Parasit hits Schahin H with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Schahin H tags Crusher.
The Devils Parasit superkicks Crusher.
Crusher goes for a spine buster but The Devils Parasit dodges the attack.
Crusher executes the sleeperhold on Parasit.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... (AHHHH!) ... Parasit trys to escape. ... ... Parasit is fighting the hold. Parasit escapes.]

Andi - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Crusher tags in Schahin H.
Parasit with a headbutt on Schahin H.]

John - Parasit with a headbutt.

[Schahin H bounces The Devils Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
The Devils Parasit moves back to his feet.
The Devils Parasit forearm smashes Schahin H.
InsaneJay tagged in by The Devils Parasit.
Schahin H bounces The InsaneClassic off the ropes and clotheslines him.
The InsaneClassic executes a jawbreaker on Schahin H.]

John - InsaneJay with a jawbreaker.

[Schahin H gets back to his feet.
InsaneJay executes the German suplex on Schahin H.]

Andi - That German suplex was very good.

[InsaneJay covers Schahin H hooking the leg.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 Schahin H kicks out.]

John - The InsaneClassic was so close!!

[Schahin H stands up.
InsaneJay sends Schahin H to ringside.
Earl starts the count (.1)]

Andi - This is how wrestling should be!

[(..2) The InsaneClassic forearm smashes Schahin H.
(...3) InsaneJay delivers a low blow to Schahin H.
(....4) InsaneJay punches Schahin H repeatedly.
Schahin H trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift InsaneJay.
(.....5) Schahin H trys for a power bomb but InsaneJay avoids it. (......6)]

John - Schahin H can't win the match out there.


Andi - Schahin H'll be counted out.

[They head back into the ring.
Schahin H kicks InsaneJay in the back of the leg.
InsaneJay gets back to his feet.
Schahin H receives a reverse neckbreaker by InsaneJay.
InsaneJay stands up.
InsaneJay goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 Schahin H escapes.]

John - The InsaneClassic should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Schahin H is back on his feet.
The InsaneClassic brings in The Devils Parasit for Parasit & InsaneJay.
The InsaneClassic executes a rocker dropper at Schahin H.
The Devils Parasit hits Schahin H with a heart punch.]

Andi - Schahin H is being double teamed!

[Schahin H hits Parasit with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

John - Schahin H with a headbutt.

[Schahin H kicks The Devils Parasit in the back of the leg.
The Devils Parasit climbs to his feet.
Schahin H trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Parasit.
Schahin H tags Crusher.
The Devils Parasit superkicks Crusher.
Crusher is back on his feet.
Parasit hits Crusher with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Schahin H tagged in by Crusher.
Schahin H spins aroround Parasit's back and DDT's him into the mat.]

John - This is just awefull! The Devils Parasit is being double teamed!

[Parasit hits Schahin H with a heart punch.
The Devils Parasit goes for a pin.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 Schahin H escapes.]

Andi - Not even close!

[Schahin H is back on his feet.
Parasit forearm smashes Schahin H.
Parasit grabs Schahin H's head and DDT's him on the mat.
The Devils Parasit sucks chants start in the crowd.
The Devils Parasit is up again.
The Devils Parasit makes the tag to The InsaneClassic.
They lockup. InsaneJay sends Schahin H to the corner of the ring.
Parasit clotheslines Schahin H.
They lockup. Parasit sends Schahin H to the corner of the ring.]

John - Come on ref! Do something!! Schahin H is being double teamed!

[They lockup. Schahin H sends Parasit to the corner of the ring.
The InsaneClassic tags Parasit.
InsaneJawbreaker for Schahin H!
Parasit hits Schahin H with a heart punch.]

Andi - Schahin H is being double teamed!

[The Devils Parasit hits Schahin H with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

John - Parasit with a headbutt.

[Parasit superkicks Schahin H.
Parasit makes the tag to The InsaneClassic.
InsaneJay gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Schahin H.
InsaneJay delivers a spine buster to Schahin H.
The InsaneClassic covers Schahin H hooking the leg.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 Schahin H kicks out.]

Andi - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Schahin H is back on his feet.
Schahin H gets locked in the double chicken wing.
Referee Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... InsaneJay tightens the hold. Schahin H escapes.
Schahin H dropkicks InsaneJay.]

John - dropkick!

[Schahin H tags Crusher.
Crusher punches The InsaneClassic repeatedly.
Schahin H hits InsaneJay with an elbowdrop.
Crusher clotheslines InsaneJay.]

Andi - Come on ref! Do something!! InsaneJay is being double teamed!

[They lockup. InsaneJay sends Crusher to the corner of the ring.
The InsaneClassic gives Crusher a reverse neckbreaker.
The InsaneClassic stands up.
Now Crusher standing.
The InsaneClassic tags in Parasit.
The InsaneClassic breaks Crusher nearly in half. Spear!
InsaneJay drives a forearm into the head of Crusher.
The Devils Parasit drives a forearm into the head of Crusher.]

John - Come on ref! Do something!! Crusher is being double teamed!

[The Devils Parasit superkicks Crusher.
Parasit punches Crusher repeatedly.
Crusher brings in Schahin H for Schahin H & Crusher.
Parasit body slams Schahin H.]

Andi - Parasit with a body slam.

[Parasit drags Schahin H to the floor.
Earl starts the count (.1)
The Devils Parasit sets Schahin H up DDTs him into the floor.]

John - Nice power move by Parasit.

[Schahin H gets up.
(..2) The Devils Parasit is speared by Schahin H.

Andi - WBW is the only place for entertainment like this!

[The Devils Parasit stands up.
(....4) Parasit hits Schahin H with a headbutt to the mid-section.
(.....5) They head back into the ring.
Schahin H hits The Devils Parasit with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Parasit drives a forearm into the head of Schahin H.
Crusher tagged in by Schahin H.
The Devils Parasit is hit with the K2 by Crusher.]

John - Good K2 by Crusher.

[Parasit brings in The InsaneClassic for Parasit & InsaneJay.
Crusher is speared by The Devils Parasit.]

Andi - Crusher is being double teamed!

[Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on The Devils Parasit sending him to the mat.
Parasit tagged in by The InsaneClassic.
The InsaneClassic delivers a low blow to Crusher.
The InsaneClassic powerboms Crusher onto the mat.]

John - Oh no! Crusher is being double teamed

[The InsaneClassic executes a jawbreaker on Crusher.
Schahin H tagged in by Crusher.
Schahin H hits The Devils Parasit with an elbowdrop.
The Devils Parasit stands up.
The Devils Parasit hits Schahin H with a heart punch.
Parasit covers Schahin H.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 Schahin H kicks out.]

John - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[The Devils Parasit lifts Schahin H into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat.]

Andi - That vertical suplex was very good.

[Parasit moves back to his feet.
Parasit tags InsaneJay.
They lockup. Schahin H sends InsaneJay to the corner of the ring.
Schahin H bounces InsaneJay off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Schahin H hits InsaneJay with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.]

John - Schahin H executes a elbowdrop.

[The InsaneClassic executes the boston crab on Schahin H.
InsaneJay gets back to his feet.
The InsaneClassic suplexes Schahin H.
Schahin H was elimintated by InsaneJay.]

Andi - Schahin H is out of here!!

[InsaneJay trys for a springboard dropkick but Crusher avoids it.
InsaneJay executes the sleeperhold on Crusher.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... Crusher trys to escape. ... Crusher is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) The InsaneClassic breaks the hold.]

John - WBW is the only place for entertainment like this!

[InsaneJay is speared by Crusher.
Crusher covers InsaneJay hooking the leg.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 InsaneJay escapes.]

Andi - Crusher almost won the match!

[Crusher executes a jawbreakeron The InsaneClassic.
Crusher gets up.
The InsaneClassic climbs to his feet.
The InsaneClassic brings in Parasit for Parasit & InsaneJay.
The InsaneClassic uses a swinging DDT to plant Crusher's head into the mat. ]

John - Crusher is being double teamed!

[InsaneJay forearm smashes Crusher.]

Andi - forearm smash!

[Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on The InsaneClassic sending him to the mat.
The InsaneClassic gets up.
The InsaneClassic tagged in by Parasit.
Crusher executes the twisting moonsault on to InsaneJay.
Crusher is up again.
Now InsaneJay standing.
Crusher and The InsaneClassic go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)
(..2) Crusher executes a jawbreakeron The InsaneClassic.]

John - The InsaneClassic takes a jawbreaker.

[Crusher moves back to his feet.
InsaneJay climbs to his feet.
(...3) Crusher receives a reverse neckbreaker by The InsaneClassic.
(....4) They lockup. The InsaneClassic sends Crusher to the corner of ringside.
(.....5) Crusher and The InsaneClassic move back into the ring.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on InsaneJay sending him to the mat.
The InsaneClassic picks Crusher up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
The InsaneClassic executes the sleeperhold on Crusher.
Earl asks Crusher if he quits.
... ... (AHHHH!) Crusher escapes.]

Andi - We almost had a winner.

[InsaneJay clotheslines Crusher.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on InsaneJay sending him to the mat.
InsaneJay gets back to his feet.
InsaneJay low blows Crusher.]

Andi - That's an illegal move!

[Crusher executes a jawbreakeron The InsaneClassic.
Crusher moves back to his feet.
Crusher clotheslines InsaneJay.]

John - weak move!

[Crusher executes a jawbreakeron The InsaneClassic.
Now Crusher standing.
The InsaneClassic is back on his feet.
Fireman's carry into flapjack for The InsaneClassic!
The InsaneClassic gets up.
Crusher moves back to his feet.
The InsaneClassic sends Crusher to ringside.]

Andi - Crusher will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Earl starts the count (.1)
(..2) InsaneJay gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Crusher.]

John - The InsaneClassic executes a jumping neck snap.

[(...3) Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on The InsaneClassic sending him to the floor. (....4)
Crusher punches The InsaneClassic repeatedly.]

Andi - weak move!

[(.....5) The InsaneClassic and Crusher move back into the ring.
The InsaneClassic gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Crusher.]

John - Crusher takes a jumping neck snap.

[The InsaneClassic tags Parasit.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on The Devils Parasit sending him to the mat.
Parasit gets back to his feet.
The Devils Parasit lifts Crusher and delivers the canadian backbreaker.]

Andi - Crusher takes a canadian backbreaker.

[Crusher climbs to his feet.
The Devils Parasit executes the sleeperhold on Crusher.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... Crusher trys to escape. ... Parasit breaks the hold.]

John - The Devils Parasit almost won the match!

[The Devils Parasit drags Crusher to the floor.
Earl starts the count (.1)
Crusher nails Parasit with a springboard dropkick.
Crusher sucks chants start in the crowd.
Crusher is back on his feet.
(..2) Crusher hits a frog splash on The Devils Parasit.
Crusher sucks chants start in the crowd.
Crusher stands up.
The Devils Parasit stands up. (...3)]

John - Is this a great match or not?

Andi - Nope.

[Crusher grabs Parasit and executes the Frenchkiss!]

John - If Crusher keeps using moves like that Frenchkiss he could win the match!


Andi - WrestlingBaseWrestling is the number one wrestling league on the earth.

[Crusher clotheslines The Devils Parasit.
Crusher uses a swinging DDT to plant Parasit's head into the floor.
Crusher is up again.
Crusher takes Parasit into the ring.
Parasit shoves Earl. ring, ring, ring! Earl calls for the bell. Parasit was disqualified. Parasit was elimintated by Crusher. ]

John - The Devils Parasit has been eliminated!!

[Frenchkiss for The InsaneClassic!!]

Andi - Nice Frenchkiss by Crusher.

[Crusher sends The InsaneClassic to ringside.
(.....5) The InsaneClassic is back on his feet.
(......6) The InsaneClassic takes Crusher into the ring.
InsaneJay delivers a low blow to Crusher.
Crusher is up again.
InsaneJawbreaker for Crusher!
Now InsaneJay standing.
They lockup. InsaneJay sends Crusher to the corner of the ring.
The InsaneClassic forearm smashes Crusher.]

Andi - forearm smash!

[InsaneJay gives Crusher a reverse neckbreaker.
InsaneJay is back on his feet.
Crusher executes a jawbreakeron InsaneJay.
Crusher sucks chants start in the crowd.
Crusher climbs to his feet.
InsaneJay gets back to his feet.
Crusher executes the twisting moonsault on to The InsaneClassic.
Crusher stands up.
Crusher hits a frog splash on InsaneJay.
Crusher stands up.
They lockup. Crusher sends InsaneJay to the corner of the ring.
Crusher executes the sleeperhold on InsaneJay.
Earl asks InsaneJay if he quits.
... InsaneJay trys to escape. ... Crusher tightens the hold. ... InsaneJay trys to escape. ... Crusher tightens the hold. ... InsaneJay trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... InsaneJay trys to escape. ... InsaneJay is fighting the hold. ... InsaneJay trys to escape. InsaneJay taps out.
InsaneJay was elimintated by Crusher.]

John - The InsaneClassic is ready to have a shower now. The InsaneClassic is eliminated!

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winners of this match, Schahin H & Crusher!!!

Parasit streckt seinen Teilzeit-Team-Partner InsanseJay mit einem Superkick nieder und verlässt wütend die Halle, während Schahin und Crusher ihren Sieg feiern.

Senic vs. Haggy52 (WBW Unified) gimmick (Submision Match)[/size]

Tony - This match is a Submision Match for the WBW Unified title. On his way to Ring at this time, weighing in at 170 pounds, from Berlin, Senic!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays and Senic enters with fireworks the arena.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 330 pounds, from Braunschweig he holds the SummerBrawl MitB, WBW Unified title belts, Haggy52!!! (crowd cheers )

[The theme of Haggy is playing. Pyro is on the ramp but Haggy enters the arena through the crowd. He moves directly to the ring.
Senic tests out the ropes.
Haggy52 checks his boots.
(ring, ring, ring) Senic hits Haggy52 with a heart punch.
Haggy52 stands up.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.]

Andi - Haggy52 with a kick to the groin.

[Senic dropkicks Haggy52.
Senic stands up.
Senic throws Haggy52 out of ring.
Senic hits Haggy52 with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Senic stands up.
Haggy52 moves back to his feet.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.]

Andi - Haggy52 executes a kick to the groin.

[Senic hits Haggy52 with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Senic kicks Haggy52 in the stomach.
Haggy52 hits a power slam on Senic.
Haggy52 is back on his feet.
Senic hits Haggy52 with a heart punch.
Haggy52 gets back to his feet.
Senic kicks Haggy52 in the stomach.]

John - Senic executes a kick.

[Haggy52 trys for a t-bone suplex but Senic avoids it.
Haggy52 rolls REC into the ring.]

Andi - It was a smart move to Ring. Senic no longer has to watch out for weapons.

John - What an outstanding match!

[Senic trys for a neck scissors but Haggy52 avoids it.
Senic wraps his legs around Haggy52's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... Senic breaks the hold.
Senic throws Haggy52 out of ring.
Senic hits Haggy52 with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

Andi - Senic with a headbutt.

[Senic hits Haggy52 with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Senic hits Haggy52 with a heart punch.
Senic hits Haggy52 with an elbowdrop.
Senic stands up.
Haggy52 moves back to his feet.
Haggy52 executes the German suplex on Senic.]

John - wrestlingbasewrestling is the number one wrestling league.

[Senic climbs to his feet.
Senic kicks Haggy52 in the stomach.
Senic hits Haggy52 with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.]

Andi - Senic with a elbowdrop.

[Senic moves back to his feet.
Senic hits Haggy52 with a heart punch.
Haggy52 is up again.
Haggy52 picks up Senic and hits him with the Death Valley Driver.]

John - If Haggy52 keeps using moves like that Death Valley Driver he could win the match!

[Now Haggy52 standing.
Haggy52 stomps Senic's head.
Haggy52 stomps Senic.]

Andi - Haggy52 executes a stomp.

[Senic is back on his feet.
Senic kicks Haggy52 in the stomach.
Haggy52 is back on his feet.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Senic picks up Haggy52 and hits him with a Back Suplex.]

John - Nice back suplex by Senic.

[Now Senic standing.
Now Haggy52 standing.
Senic hits Haggy52 with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

Andi - Senic executes a headbutt.

[Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.]

John - Haggy52 executes a kick to the groin.

[Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Haggy52 is speared by Senic.
Senic rolls REC into the ring.
Senic kicks Haggy52 in the back of the leg.
Senic hits Haggy52 with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.]

Andi - Senic with a elbowdrop.

[Senic is up again.
Haggy52 gets back to his feet.
Senic is speared by Haggy52.
Haggy52 gets up.
Senic gets up.]

John - Senic could use some help about now.

[Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Senic in the groin.
Senic gets sidewalk slammed by Haggy52.
Haggy52 chants start.
Senic gets locked in the painful STF.
Dave is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Haggy52 tightens the hold. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Senic is fighting the hold. ... Senic taps out.]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, and still WBW Unified champion, Haggy52!!!

Haggy hält den Unified Titel in die Luft und lässt sich von den Fans feiern..
General Manager

Anzahl der Beiträge : 232
Anmeldedatum : 09.01.12
Alter : 33
Ort : Wittenberg


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