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WBW Show (17.06.2013)

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WBW Show (17.06.2013) Empty WBW Show (17.06.2013)

Beitrag  InsaneJay 10.11.13 4:50

Gleich zu Beginn der neuen WBW Show ist der aktuelle Champion der Federation im Ring anwesend, Schahin H. Dieser trägt den Titel fest um die Hüften geschnallt und zusätzlich noch ein Mikrophon. Das Publikum ist anders als gewohnt ruhig, man ist sich im Klaren, dass hier der WBW Champion das Wort ergreifen möchte. Nach einigen Kurzgängen im Ring hebt er schließlich das Mikrophon an und wendet sich an die Zuschauer.

„Na, wer hätte gedacht dass ihr irgendwann mal auch die Schnauze halten könnt? Ihr habt endlich begriffen wer eure Nummer Eins in der WBW ist. Ich habe lange gebraucht damit sich dieser Fakt in eure mickrigen Hirne festigen lässt. Was musste ich alles für Schmerzen und Qualen ertragen um so weit zu kommen… ich denke dabei immer wieder an meine Serie an Niederlagen bei den Shows – dabei war ich doch angeschlagen! Ich jedoch habe nicht aufgegeben, ich wollte euch beweisen dass ich, Schahin H, es verdient habe der WBW Champion zu werden! Ich brauchte nur diese eine Gelegenheit – und diese bekam ich dann endlich bei WBW Doomsday. The Viper war gegen mich ein niemand. Ich konnte euch allen zeigen was für Qualitäten mich ausmachen. Die Eigenschaften und Fertigkeiten eines Champions besaß ich. Und auch heute, vier Wochen nach meinem Triumph, stehe ich hier und kann euch allen stolz meinen Titel zeigen.“

Und kaum hat der Champion die ersten Beleidigungen ausgesprochen, da fängt auch schon das Publikum an ihn auszubuhen. Doch er lässt sich nicht beirren, redet alles aus sich heraus was er zu sagen hat. Erfreut über die Erkenntnis dass er doch die Extraklasse der Federation ist, stemmt er für einige Sekunden seinen Titel wieder in die Höhe und senkt diesen wieder um weiter zu reden.

„Und damit will ich auch zum nächsten Punkt kommen – Parasit. Ich will mich nicht weiter mit dieser Schande und Peinlichkeit befassen, daher mache ich es kurz. Parasit, wir standen oft im Ring. Jedes Mal, als du das Vergnügen hattest mit mir hier zu stehen, wusste ich, dass du dir im Klaren warst dass du nie eine Chance gegen mich haben würdest. Ich weiß noch heute nicht warum ich so bescheuert war und immer auf deine kindlichen Provokationen eingegangen bin. Du bist im Gegensatz zu mir ein Niemand. Ich stehe an der Spitze von WBW, und du… naja, halt nicht. Was du besitzt ist ein Briefcase, womit du feiges Huhn mich womöglich in naher Zukunft überraschen möchtest. Aber glaube mir, wann immer du kommen solltest – ich bin bereit. Und ich werde dir diesen Briefcase, dein letztes Stück Hoff…“

Mit einem Mal ist die Theme von Crusher zu hören.
"Schahin H, was ist das hier? Was soll das? 'Verdienter Champion?' Ich glaub es kaum! Der einzige, der es verdient hat bin ich! Der einzig wahre Crusher - der jeden hier auseinander nimmt. Gegen dich hab ich noch nie in meiner Karriere hundertprozentig fit gekämpft. Da kannst du wohl froh sein." Er grinst. Ich werde dir alle Träume nehmen, da ich, dich einfach besiegen werde!" Crusher läuft zum Ring.

Schahin H, der die ganze Zeit über Crusher zugehört hat, kann nicht anders als lediglich zu Schmunzeln. Daraus entwickelt sich nach und nach ein leichtes Grinsen bis er schließlich in lautes Gelächter fällt. Crusher ist mittlerweile schon im Ring, ruhig und wartet auf eine Reaktion des aktuellen Champions die auch nicht lange auf sich warten lässt.

„Crusher, Crusher… wie schön, dass du auf die Idee gekommen bist, deinem alten Kumpel, Schahin H, einen netten Besuch abzustatten. Jener, der dich vor zwei Wochen bei WBW in einem Titelkampf, das Match wo du im Übrigen auch eine Chance hattest zu zeigen was du kannst, von vorne bis hinten gedemütigt hat. Und sag mir bitte, warum sollst du dann ein ‚verdienter Champion‘ sein? Weißt du für was ich dich halte? Für einen Witz.“

Das Publikum kann sich derzeit kaum für eine Seite entscheiden. Beide sind alles andere als beliebt bei den Zuschauern, doch am Selbstvertrauen des Titelträgers ändert es aktuell nichts. Dieser wagt zwei Schritte weiter nach vorne, auf die Mitte des Ringes, wo Crusher ebenfalls ist. Dieser wird eine Weile von Schahin H angestarrt, eine lange Weile. Schließlich hebt er das Mikrophon an und teilt ihm etwas mit.

„Du hast Mut. Du hast wirklich Mut. Wer hätte gedacht dass du dich nach deiner peinlichen Niederlage letztens wieder hierein traust? Ich will aber nicht so sein, Crusher. Daher mache ich dir ein Angebot: Du und ich, bei WBW Meltdown. Lass mich dem Versager eine letzte Chance geben.“

Mit einem Mal wird das Publikum lauter. Man wartet gespannt auf eine Antwort des Herausforderers.

Anstatt etwas zu sagen, deutet er auf Schahin und dann auf sich und formt mit seinen Händen einen Titelgürtel um seine Hüfte.

Alasin vs. The Viper (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Toronto, Canada a member of Execution, Alasin!!! (crowd boos )

[Alasin doesn´t waste any time and run into the ring to get started.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 255 pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri a member of BroSnake, The Viper!!! (crowd cheers **)

[The old music of Randy Orton starts and firework stars from the stage.
Alasin checks his boots.
The Viper walks around the ring.
(ring, ring, ring) Alasin with a headbutt on The Viper.]

John - headbutt!

[Alasin with a headbutt on The Viper.
Alasin hits The Viper with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

Andi - Alasin executes a headbutt.

[Alasin with a headbutt on The Viper.
Alasin hits The Viper with a headbutt to the mid-section.
The Viper goes for a World Strongest Slam but Alasin dodges the attack.
The Viper drags Alasin to the floor.
Earl starts the count (.1)
The Viper throws a chair at Alasin.
(..2) Alasin gets the faceslam elbow attack from The Viper!!
The Viper climbs to his feet.
Now Alasin standing.
(...3) Alasin with a headbutt on The Viper.
(....4) Alasin hits The Viper with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

Andi - headbutt!

[The Viper hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Alasin!
Alasin stands up. (.....5)]

John - They better get back to the ring!

Andi - The Viper is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[(......6) The Viper and Alasin move back into the ring.
Alasin is surprised by The Viper with the RKO!
Alasin with a headbutt on The Viper.
The Viper with a high crossbody on Alasin.]

John - The Viper executes a high cross body.

[The Viper gets back to his feet.
Alasin moves back to his feet.
The Viper monkey flips Alasin onto the mat.]

Andi - The Viper with a monkey flip.

[Alasin gets back to his feet.
The Viper delivers a faceslam to Alasin and executes an elbow!
The Viper climbs to his feet.
Alasin is up again.
The Viper trys for a neck scissors but Alasin avoids it.
The Viper sends Alasin to ringside.
Earl starts the count (.1)]

John - I wish every match could be like this!

[The Viper is speared by Alasin.
Alasin gets up.
Alasin and The Viper move back into the ring.]

Andi - It was a smart move to the ring. The Viper no longer has to watch out for weapons.

[Alasin hits a frog splash on The Viper.
Alasin sucks chants start in the crowd.
Alasin moves back to his feet.
Alasin apllies the camel clutch on The Viper.
Earl asks The Viper if he quits.
... ... ... (AHHHH!) Alasin breaks the hold.
Alasin hits The Viper with an elbowdrop.
Alasin is back on his feet.
Now The Viper standing.
Alasin picks up The Viper and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Alasin sucks chants start in the crowd.
Alasin moves back to his feet.
Alasin hits a frog splash on The Viper.
The Viper is up again.
Alasin hits The Viper with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Alasin wraps his legs around The Viper's neck and puts him in the freshness date.
Referee Earl is checking for a tap out.
... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Alasin tightens the hold. ... ... Alasin tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Alasin tightens the hold. ... Alasin tightens the hold. ... Alasin tightens the hold. ... The Viper taps out.]

John - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Alasin!!!

Es ertönt das ECW-Theme. Dark begibt sich zum Ring. Als er im Ring steht, greift Dark sich ein Mikrofon.

„Kaval, du hast in der letzten Show versucht meinen Partner auf hinterhältige Weise zu attackieren. In der Show davor hast du es geschafft. Du schaffst es offenbar nur jemanden anzugreifen, der nicht damit rechnet. Das ist nicht nur hinterhältig, sondern auch feige. Daher fordere dich zu einem Match heraus. Die Wahl der Regeln überlasse ich dir.“

Nach diesen Worten verlässt Dark die Halle.

Senic vs. MJB (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 401 pounds, from Mexico City, Mexico, MJB!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays the theme of Sin Cara. Flashlights and fireworks are coming and the lights are going on.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 170 pounds, from Berlin he holds the WBW Intercontinental title belt, Senic!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays and Senic enters with fireworks the arena.
MJB tests out the ropes.
Senic tests out the ropes.
(ding, ding, ding) Senic gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Senic with a headbutt on MJB.
MJB does a cartwheel and kicks Senic in the face.
MJB clotheslines Senic.
MJB comes from behind and bulldogs Senic.
Now MJB standing.
Senic stands up.
Senic dropkicks MJB to the face.
Senic is back on his feet.
MJB gets back to his feet.
Senic kicks MJB in the stomach.
MJB superkicks Senic.
MJB covers Senic hooking the leg.
Referee Earl makes the count.
...1 ...2 Senic escapes.]

John - MJB should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Senic stands up.
Senic hits MJB with a heart punch.
MJB is up again.
MJB is speared by Senic.
Senic is up again.
Senic and MJB go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)
(..2) MJB comes from behind and bulldogs Senic.
MJB gets up.
Senic is back on his feet.
(...3) Senic gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
(....4) They lockup. MJB sends Senic to the corner of ringside.
Senic picks up MJB and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Senic gets up.
Senic sets MJB up DDTs him into the floor.
Now MJB standing.
Senic executes a neck scissors on MJB.
Senic sets MJB up DDTs him into the floor.
Senic sucks chants start in the crowd.
Soviet Strike knocks MJB out.
Senic covers MJB hooking the leg.
Referee Earl makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

John - Senic has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Senic!!!


Backstage-Interviewer Gene hat Kaval bei sich. „Dark möchte sich also mit mir anlegen und überlässt mir die Wahl der Regeln? Dieses Angebot kann ich natürlich nicht ausschlagen. Unser Match wird ein No Holds Barred-Match. Du wolltest es ja so!“

Kaval geht davon. Gene schaut ihn fragend hinterher..

schpock vs. Tyrox (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 306 pounds, from Switzerland a member of AAA he holds the WBW Hardcore title belt, schpock!!! (crowd boos )

[schpock jumps with an assbomb 20m down in the middle of the ring.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from West Newbury, Massachusetts he holds the WBW Spotlight title belt, Tyrox!!! (crowd cheers )

[The Music plays the Theme of John Cena and the Fans are happy.
Earl checks schpock's boots and knee pads.
Earl checks Tyrox's boots and knee pads.
(the bell rings) schpock with a headbutt on Tyrox.
schpock superkicks Tyrox.
Now Tyrox standing.
Tyrox throws schpock off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
schpock climbs to his feet.
Tyrox appllies the camel clutch on schpock.
The referee is checking the situation.
... (AHHHH!) ... Tyrox breaks the hold.
Tyrox and schpock go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)
Tyrox chokes schpock with a microphone cable.
schpock nails Tyrox with a springboard dropkick.
schpock gets up.
Tyrox gets back to his feet.
They head back into the ring.]

John - If schpock can get a pinfall in the ring his momma would be prowd!

[Tyrox trys for a triple powerbomb but is not strong enough to lift schpock.
schpock gets locked in the painful STF.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... schpock is fighting the hold. ... Tyrox tightens the hold. Tyrox breaks the hold.
Tyrox and schpock go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)
Tyrox trys for a top-rope DDT but is not strong enough to lift schpock.
Tyrox takes schpock into the ring.
schpock uses a swinging DDT to plant Tyrox's head into the mat.
schpock climbs to his feet.
schpock clotheslines Tyrox.
schpock hits Tyrox with a heart punch.
schpock sucks chants start in the crowd.
schpock clotheslines Tyrox.
schpock places Tyrox on the turnbuckle and executes the top-rope DVD! Tyrox is out cold!
schpock sucks chants start in the crowd.
schpock climbs to the top and hits Tyrox with the 5 Star Frog Splash.
schpock hits a screwdriver on Tyrox. Tyrox is pinned.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, schpock!!!

Auf der Video-Wand erscheint der gleiche Text wie in der Vorwoche: [size=16t]IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME.[/size]

Schahin H vs. Matt Hardy (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 203 pounds, from Cameron, North Carolina a member of ECW, Matt Hardy!!! (crowd cheers *)

[Matt Hardy comes to the ring with his theme live for the momet and firework start. The fans cheering. ]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 152 pounds, from Frankfurt, Germany he holds the WBW title belt, Schahin H!!! (crowd boos *)

[Langsam begibt er sich auf die Eingangsahalle während die Theme von Triple H abgespielt wird.Mit einem leichtem grinsen im Gesicht geht er sich nun sehr motiviert Richtung Ring.
Earl checks Matt Hardy's boots and knee pads.
Earl checks Schahin H's boots and knee pads.
(the bell rings) Schahin H is surprised by Matt Hardy with the RKO!
Schahin H bounces Matt Hardy off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Schahin H hits Matt Hardy with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H gets back to his feet.
Schahin H hits Matt Hardy with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H gets up.
Schahin H hits Matt Hardy with an elbowdrop.
Schahin H gets back to his feet.
Schahin H covers Matt Hardy hooking the leg.
Earl counts.
...1 Matt Hardy kicks out.]

Andi - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Matt Hardy moves back to his feet.
Schahin H kicks Matt Hardy in the back of the leg.
Matt Hardy puts Schahin H on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex.]

John - That belly-to-belly superplex was very good.

[Schahin H moves back to his feet.
Schahin H hits Matt Hardy with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Schahin H hits Matt Hardy with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

Andi - Schahin H with a headbutt.

[Schahin H bounces Matt Hardy off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Schahin H hits Matt Hardy with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H climbs to his feet.
Brogue Kick for Schahin H!!]

John - Nice brogue kick by Matt Hardy.

Andi - WrestlingBaseWrestling is the number one wrestling league on the earth.

[Matt Hardy suplexes Schahin H.]

John - Nice power move by Matt Hardy.

Andi - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Matt Hardy hooks Schahin H's arms and drops Schahin H down with the pedigree on the chair!!
Schahin H gets up off the ground and Matt Hardy hits him with a flying dropkick.
Matt Hardy is back on his feet.
Matt Hardy punches Schahin H repeatedly.
Matt Hardy hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Schahin H!
Now Matt Hardy standing.
Schahin H stands up.
Matt Hardy tombstones Schahin H onto the mat. Schahin H is out cold!
Matt Hardy hurricanranas Schahin H and goes for the pin.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3]

John - Matt Hardy has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Matt Hardy!!!

Parasit vs. Goldberg (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 330 pounds, from Australien a member of NWO, Goldberg!!! (crowd boos )

[Goldbergs theme airs and firework starts. Goldberg walks to the ring.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 249 pounds, from Toledo, Ohio he holds the Mania Briefcase title belt, Parasit!!! (crowd boos )

[The Hall is dark. You can hear the music of The Devils Parasite that comes through the Crowd. On the way to the Ring, he lies down with Fans because of what they let him feel the same by boo him.
Goldberg walks around the ring.
Parasit checks out the ring.
(ring, ring, ring) Goldberg bounces Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
The Devils Parasit forearm smashes Goldberg.]

Andi - Parasit with a forearm smash.

[Parasit superkicks Goldberg.
Parasit punches Goldberg repeatedly.
Goldberg trys for a FU but is not strong enough to lift The Devils Parasit.
Parasit gets locked in the painful STF.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... Goldberg breaks the hold.
Goldberg goes for a cross-body block but Parasit dodges the attack.
Goldberg trys for a cradle suplex but is not strong enough to lift Parasit.
Goldberg and Parasit go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)]

Andi - Goldberg's momma would be proud!

[(..2) The Devils Parasit gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
The Devils Parasit moves back to his feet.
(...3) The Devils Parasit with a headbutt on Goldberg.
(....4) The Devils Parasit hits Goldberg with a heart punch.
(.....5) Parasit and Goldberg move back into the ring.
The Devils Parasit punches Goldberg repeatedly.]

John - Goldberg takes a weak move.

[Goldberg trys for a cobra clutch suplex but is not strong enough to lift The Devils Parasit.
Goldberg locks on an STF onto Parasit.
Referee Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... Goldberg breaks the hold.]

Andi - This is how wrestling should be!

John - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Goldberg bounces The Devils Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now The Devils Parasit standing.
The Devils Parasit gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
The Devils Parasit stands up.
Parasit drives a forearm into Goldberg.
The Devils Parasit gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Goldberg bounces The Devils Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Devils Parasit.
Goldberg is back on his feet.
Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Devils Parasit.
Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on Parasit.
Goldberg gets back to his feet.
Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on Parasit.
Goldberg gets back to his feet.
Goldberg covers The Devils Parasit.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 The Devils Parasit escapes.]

Andi - Goldberg should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Parasit climbs to his feet.
Parasit trys for a DDT but Goldberg avoids it.]

Andi - Did you see that last move?

John - Yeah, you know it.

[Parasit hits Goldberg with a heart punch.
They lockup. The Devils Parasit sends Goldberg to the corner of the ring.
Parasit superkicks Goldberg.
Goldberg moves back to his feet.
The Devils Parasit trys for a canadian backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Goldberg.
Parasit goes for a body slam but Goldberg dodges the attack.
The Devils Parasit hits Goldberg with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Goldberg bounces Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Parasit is back on his feet.
Parasit superkicks Goldberg.
They lockup. The Devils Parasit sends Goldberg to the corner of the ring.
Goldberg is speared by The Devils Parasit.]

Andi - Good spear by The Devils Parasit.

[The Devils Parasit climbs to his feet.
Parasit clotheslines Goldberg.]

John - Parasit with a weak move.

[Parasit gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.]

Andi - The Devils Parasit takes a corkscrew armdrag.

[The Devils Parasit moves back to his feet.
Parasit hits Goldberg with a headbutt to the mid-section.
The Devils Parasit trys for a vertical suplex but is not strong enough to lift Goldberg.
Parasit hits Goldberg with a heart punch.
They lockup. The Devils Parasit sends Goldberg to the corner of the ring.
Goldberg is speared by The Devils Parasit.
Parasit sucks chants start in the crowd.
The Devils Parasit locks the figure-four Leglock on Goldberg.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... Goldberg trys to escape. ... Goldberg is fighting the hold. Goldberg escapes.
Now Goldberg standing.
The Devils Parasit gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on Parasit.
Goldberg goes for a pin.
Earl counts.
...1 ...2 Parasit kicks out.]

John - Goldberg should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Goldberg bounces Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Parasit trys for a vertical suplex but is unable to lift Goldberg.
Parasit drives a forearm into Goldberg.
The Devils Parasit trys for a canadian backbreaker but is unable to lift Goldberg.
The Devils Parasit grabs Goldberg's head and DDT's him on the mat.
Now The Devils Parasit standing.
Parasit grabs Goldberg and piledrives Goldberg `s head into the mat.
The Devils Parasit covers Goldberg hooking the leg.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Parasit!!!

Ein weiterer Text erscheint auf der Video-Wand: [size=14pt]THE TIME HAS ALMOST COME.[/size]

Dark vs. Kaval (Non-Title Match) gimmick (No Holds Barred Match)

Tony - This match is a No Holds Barred Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 291 pounds, from Redmon, Washington a member of ECW, Dark!!! (crowd cheers )

[The lights go out, the music starts, flames are growing on the stage and Dark appears in the flames]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 222 pounds, from Houston, Texas, Kaval!!! (crowd cheers )

[The music plays the theme of Christian and the stage goes off in flames.
Dark checks out the ring.
Kaval checks his boots.
(ring, ring, ring) Dark bounces Kaval off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Kaval gets back to his feet.
Kaval uppercuts Dark.
Kaval with a headbutt on Dark. ]

Andi - Dark takes a headbutt.

[Kaval trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Dark.
Kaval comes from behind and bulldogs Dark.
Kaval gets back to his feet.
Dark is back on his feet.
Dark trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Kaval.
Dark trys for a fireman's carry but is unable to lift Kaval.
Dark bounces Kaval off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Dark punches Kaval repeatedly.
Kaval trys for a tiger driver but is not strong enough to lift Dark.
Kaval drags Dark to the floor.]

Andi - Did you see that last move?

John - Oh yeah!

[Dark trys for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Kaval.
Dark takes Kaval into the ring.]

Andi - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Dark trys for a fireman's carry but is unable to lift Kaval.
Dark trys for a fireman's carry but is unable to lift Kaval.
Kaval bounces Dark off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Dark is up again.
Kaval takes Dark down with an Arabian Facebuster.
Kaval throws a chair at Dark.
Kaval punches Dark repeatedly.]

John - weak move!

[Dark bounces Kaval off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Kaval gets up.
Dark bounces Kaval off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Kaval trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift Dark]

John - This is how wrestling should be!

[Dark places Kaval on the turnbuckle and executes the top-rope DVD! Kaval is down.
Dark locks him in the arm hammerlock submission.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... ... Dark tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Kaval escapes.
Dark cuts Kaval with a blade.
Kaval is bleeding as a result.
Dark leaps off the top rope with a flying headbutt, hitting it's mark on Kaval's chest.]

Andi - That flying headbutt was very good.

[Dark gets up.
Dark sends Kaval to ringside.
Dark trys for a piledriver but is unable to lift Kaval.
Kaval gets back to his feet.
Dark places Kaval on the turnbuckle and executes the top-rope DVD! Kaval is down.
Dark trys for a piledriver but is unable to lift Kaval.
Dark punches Kaval repeatedly.
Dark Slams Kaval to hell. Kaval looks to be out cold!
Dark goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Dark!!!


Interviewer Gene unterhält sich mit einigen Mitarbeitern, da klingelt sein Handy. Er schaut auf das Display, entschuldigt sich bei seinen Gesprächspartnern und geht ein paar Schritte, bevor er den Anruf entgegen nimmt..

Crusher vs. Rudi Mystery vs. Jin Kazama (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 144 pounds, from Chicago a member of Optic Records, Crusher!!! (crowd boos )

[Crusher goes to the ring and claps the Hands from the Fans. Below it comes Firework.]

Tony - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 290 pounds, from Pirmasens a member of AAA, Rudi Mystery!!! (crowd cheers **)

[A pyro burns while Rudi Mystery entrance theme Edguy - Ministry of Saints plays. He entered the Ring very slowly. At the ring he jumps on the post an the fans chants his Name.]

Tony - And third, weighing in at 242 pounds, from Twilight Town, Jin Kazama!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays the theme of Shawn Micheals and the Stage goes off in flames and Jin clapped the hands of his fans and wait in the ring for the bell.
Earl checks Crusher's boots and knee pads.
Rudi Mystery tests out the ropes.
Jin Kazama checks out the ring.
(ding, ding, ding) Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with a heart punch.
Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with an elbowdrop.
Jin Kazama is back on his feet.
Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with a heart punch.
Rudi Mystery is up again.
Rudi Mystery clothlines Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery moves back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery trys for a power bomb but is not strong enough to lift Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery executes the sleeperhold on Jin Kazama.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... ... Crusher attacks Rudi Mystery breaking the hold.]

John - We almost had a winner.

Andi - My God!! What a match!

[Rudi Mystery superkicks Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery clotheslines Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery climbing up top, and off with a Moonsault on top of the chair!!
Referee Earl makes the count.
...1 ...2 Crusher kicks Rudi Mystery off of Jin Kazama.]

John - Rudi Mystery should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Jin Kazama stands up.
Jin Kazama powerbombs Rudi Mystery.
Jin Kazama sends Rudi Mystery to ringside.]

Andi - Jin Kazama can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl starts the count (.1)
(..2) Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with a heart punch.
(...3) Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with an elbowdrop.]

Andi - Jin Kazama executes a elbowdrop.

[Jin Kazama climbs to his feet.
(....4) Jin Kazama hits Rudi Mystery with an elbowdrop.
Jin Kazama is up again.
Now Rudi Mystery standing.
Rudi Mystery trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Jin Kazama.
(.....5) Rudi Mystery cuts Jin Kazama with a blade.
Jin Kazama is bleeding as a result.]

John - This is how wrestling should be! Is this a great match or not?

Andi - Not in this life time.

John - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(......6) Rudi Mystery takes Jin Kazama into the ring.
Rudi Mystery bounces Jin Kazama off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Rudi Mystery clotheslines Jin Kazama.
Rudi Mystery bounces Jin Kazama off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now Jin Kazama standing.
Crusher grabs Rudi Mystery and executes the Frenchkiss!]

Andi - If Crusher keeps using moves like that Frenchkiss he could win the match!

[Crusher sends Rudi Mystery into Earl he goes down.
Crusher hits a frog splash on Rudi Mystery.
Crusher gets back to his feet.
Crusher hits a frog splash on Rudi Mystery.
Alasin comes to the ring.
Alasin hits Rudi Mystery with an elbowdrop.
Alasin stands up.
Alasin hits Rudi Mystery with an elbowdrop.
Alasin sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now Alasin standing.
Ordered is restored.
Earl gets up.
Crusher hits a frog splash on Rudi Mystery.
Crusher sucks chants start in the crowd.
Crusher gets back to his feet.
Crusher punches Rudi Mystery repeatedly.
Crusher grabs Rudi Mystery's head and DDT's him on the mat with the Faith Breaker.
Crusher covers Rudi Mystery.
Referee Earl makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

John - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Crusher!!!

Während die Wrestler wieder in den Backstage-Bereich zurückkehren, betritt überraschenderweise Interviewer Gene mit einem Mikrophon in der Hand die Stage und begibt sich in den Ring.

Andy - „Was hat er vor? Wir wurden nicht darüber informiert, dass er nun in den Ring steigen wird.“

Gene stellt sich in die Mitte des Rings und beginnt zu sprechen: „Liebe Fans vor wenigen Minuten erhielt ich einen Anruf von jemanden, der hier schmerzlich vermisst wird. Ich meine natürlich unseren General Manager.“

Nach diesen Worten beginnen die Fans gleichermaßen zu jubeln und zu buhen. Vereinzelt sind 'Tripple A-Rufe' zu hören.

„Er bat mich, die Herausforderer auf die Titel zu verkünden. Bei WBW Meltdown wird Tyrox seinen Spotlight Titel gegen Dark verteidigen müssen. Der frühere Bounty, Alasin, bekommt ein Hardcore Titelmatch gegen schpock. Alasins Teampartner von Execution, Senic, wird seinen Intercontinental Titel gegen Jin Kazama verteidigen müssen. Und die WBW Championship wird zwischen dem amtierenden Champ Schahin H und Crusher ausgekämpft.“
General Manager

Anzahl der Beiträge : 232
Anmeldedatum : 09.01.12
Alter : 33
Ort : Wittenberg


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