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WBW Show (18.06.2012)

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WBW Show (18.06.2012) Empty WBW Show (18.06.2012)

Beitrag  InsaneJay 11.08.13 5:39

Die Show startet mit einem Rückblick auf die gestrige Großveranstaltung WBW Breaking the Rules.

Hardcore Champion Jay Reso steht im Ring. "Wie ich in der letzten Show ankündigte, habe ich gestern meinen Titel wieder mit nach Hause genommen. Crusher hat einfach nicht das Zeug dazu, mich zu besiegen. Durch das neue Contendersystem werde ich sicherlich einen besseren Gegner bekommen. Natürlich wird dieser auch keine Chance gegen mich haben."

Crusher steht auf der Rampe: "Ich muss zugeben, du warst gestern der bessere von uns. Jedoch bin ich an allen anderen Tagen besser als du. Ich bin mir sicher, das werde ich irgendwann beweisen können. Aber mein Primäres Ziel ist der Heavyweight Titel. Das neue System wird schon bald mich als neuen Nummer 1 Herausforderer ermitteln und dann drücke ich dieser Liga meinem Stempel auf."

Bounty vs. Kaval (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Toronto, Canada he holds the WBW Heavyweight title belt, Bounty!!! (crowd boos )

[Bounty doesn´t waste any time and run into the ring to get started.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 222 pounds, from Houston, Texas, Kaval!!! (crowd cheers )

[The music plays the theme of Christian and the stage goes off in flames.
Bounty checks out the ring.
Kaval checks out the ring.
(ding, ding, ding) Bounty with a headbutt on Kaval.
Bounty hits Kaval with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Kaval trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Bounty.
Kaval slaps on an ankle lock submission! There's no telling how long Bounty will be able to hold ou
Earl asks Bounty if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... Bounty trys to escape. Bounty escapes.
Bounty nails Kaval with a springboard dropkick.
Bounty is back on his feet.
Bounty sends Kaval to ringside.
Earl starts the count (.1)
Bounty swings a Steel chair and hits Kaval.
Kaval is bleeding as a result.]

Andi - Bounty is doing quite well at this point in the match.

Shark - Blood is all over ringside.

[Now Kaval standing.
(..2) Kaval comes from behind and bulldogs Bounty.
Kaval gets up.
(...3) They lockup. Kaval sends Bounty to the corner of ringside.
(....4) Kaval trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Bounty.
(.....5) Kaval takes Bounty into the ring.
Kaval hits Bounty with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Kaval bounces Bounty off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Kaval punches Bounty repeatedly.
Kaval with a headbutt on Bounty.
Kaval comes from behind and bulldogs Bounty.
Kaval stands up.
Now Bounty standing.
Kaval is speared by Bounty.
Bounty is back on his feet.
Bounty apllies the camel clutch on Kaval.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... Kaval trys to escape. ... Kaval trys to escape. Bounty breaks the hold.
Kaval bounces Bounty off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Kaval covers Bounty hooking the leg.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 Bounty kicks out.]

Andi - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Bounty.

[Bounty is back on his feet.
Kaval trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Bounty.
Bounty uses a swinging DDT to plant Kaval's head into the mat.
Bounty hits Kaval with an elbowdrop.
Bounty sucks chants start in the crowd.
Bounty stands up.
Kaval stands up.
Kaval gets sidewalk slammed by Bounty.
Bounty hits Kaval with an elbowdrop.
Now Bounty standing.
Bounty wraps his legs around Kaval's neck and puts him in the freshness date.
Earl asks Kaval if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... ... Kaval trys to escape. ... Bounty tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Kaval trys to escape. ... Kaval taps out.]

Shark - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Bounty!!!


Schahin H sucht InsaneJay in seinem Büro auf. "Hallo Jay. Ich habe ein paar Fragen an dich."

"Ich kann mir schon denken, was du wissen möchtest. Du möchtest bestimmt wissen, wer der maskierte Wrestler ist und wie es mit ihm weiter geht, oder?"

"Stimmt, doch ich möchte auch wissen, was aus Zack Ryder wird. Ist er gefeuert?"

InsaneJay deutet auf die Tür. "Die Fragen werde ich später beantworten. Ich muss mich jetzt auf mein Match vorbereiten, was du auch tuen solltest."

Schahin verlässt widerwillig das Büro. Jay ruft hinterher: "Ich bin dein Gegner!"

El MJB vs. Crusher (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 401 pounds, from Mexico City, Mexico, El MJB!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays the theme of Sin Cara. Flashlights and fireworks are coming and the lights are going on.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 144 pounds, from Chicago a member of Optic Records, Crusher!!! (crowd boos )

[Crusher goes to the ring and claps the Hands from the Fans. Below it comes Firework.
El MJB checks out the ring.
Crusher checks his boots.
(ding, ding, ding) El MJB does a cartwheel and kicks Crusher in the face.
El MJB covers Crusher hooking the leg.
Earl counts.
...1 Crusher kicks out.]

Andi - El MJB should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Crusher is back on his feet.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on El MJB sending him to the mat.
El MJB is back on his feet.
El MJB superkicks Crusher.
Crusher uses a swinging DDT to plant El MJB's head into the mat.]

Shark - Good swinging DDT by Crusher.

[Crusher and El MJB go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)]

Shark - Is this a great match or not?

Andi - Not in this life time.

[Now El MJB standing.
(..2) Crusher gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.]

Shark - El MJB with a corkscrew armdrag.

[(...3) They lockup. El MJB sends Crusher to the corner of ringside.
(....4) El MJB comes from behind and bulldogs Crusher.
Now El MJB standing.
Crusher nails El MJB with a springboard dropkick.
Crusher gets back to his feet.
(.....5) Crusher cuts El MJB with a blade.
El MJB is bleeding as a result.
Crusher clotheslines El MJB.
Crusher executes a jawbreakeron El MJB.
Crusher moves back to his feet.
Crusher takes El MJB into the ring.
They lockup. Crusher sends El MJB to the corner of the ring.
El MJB is speared by Crusher.
Crusher climbs to his feet.
Crusher grabs El MJB's head and DDT's him on the mat with the Faith Breaker.
Crusher covers El MJB.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Crusher!!!

InsaneJay vs. Schahin H (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 260 pounds, from Arkham Asylum a member of Total Domination, InsaneJay!!!

[The theme of the InsaneClassic turns on. The audience freaks out. He enters slowly the arena and walks around the ring. Then he slides into the ring and is ready to fight.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 152 pounds, from Frankfurt, Germany, Schahin H!!! (crowd boos )

[Langsam begibt er sich auf die Eingangsahalle während die Theme von Triple H abgespielt wird.Mit einem leichtem grinsen im Gesicht geht er sich nun sehr motiviert Richtung Ring.
InsaneJay talks with Earl.
Earl checks Schahin H's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) Schahin H receives a reverse neckbreaker by The InsaneClassic.
Schahin H climbs to his feet.
Schahin H bounces The InsaneClassic off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Schahin H hits InsaneJay with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Schahin H is back on his feet.
Schahin H hits The InsaneClassic with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.]

Andi - Schahin H with a elbowdrop.

[Schahin H is up again.
The InsaneClassic gets back to his feet.
The InsaneClassic executes a rocker dropper at Schahin H.
Schahin H gets locked in the double chicken wing.
The referee is checking the situation.
... Schahin H is fighting the hold. ... Schahin H is fighting the hold. ... InsaneJay tightens the hold. Schahin H escapes.
InsaneJay drags Schahin H to the floor.]

Shark - Weapons are everywhere all over ringside.

[Earl starts the count (.1)]

Andi - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.

[The InsaneClassic suplexes Schahin H.
The InsaneClassic sets Schahin H up DDTs him into the floor.
The InsaneClassic piledrives Schahin H.
They head back into the ring.
The InsaneClassic sets Schahin H up DDTs him into the mat.
The InsaneClassic clotheslines Schahin H.
Here comes the InsaneCrunch Superkick for Schahin H! Ouch!
The InsaneClassic covers Schahin H.
Earl counts.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Shark - The InsaneClassic has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, InsaneJay!!!


Senic diskutiert mit seinem Tag Team Partner, dem Heavyweight Champion Bounty, über das neue Contendersystem und den neueingeführten Spotlight Titel. "Was er da entwickelt hat ist schon gut, aber es nervt mich, dass ich nie den Spotlight Titel gewinnen kann."

"Wer weiß, Senic, vielleicht gibts ja irgendwann doch noch eine Möglichkeit. Aber du solltest dich eh auf die großen Einzeltitel konzentrieren."

King Million Dollar Man vs. Parasit (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 204 pounds, from Winnipeg, Canada a member of Optic Records he holds the King of the Ring title belt, King Million Dollar Man!!! (crowd boos **)

[The Million Dollar Man goes slowly to the Ring. He jumps on the edge and a firework comes out from the corners.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 249 pounds, from Toledo, Ohio, Parasit!!! (crowd boos )

[The Hall is dark. You can hear the music of The Devils Parasite that comes through the Crowd. On the way to the Ring, he lies down with Fans because of what they let him feel the same by boo him.
Earl checks Million Dollar Man's boots and knee pads.
Parasit checks his boots.
(the bell rings) King Million Dollar Man forearm smashes Parasit.]

Andi - King Million Dollar Man with a forearm smash.

[Million Dollar Man bounces Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now Parasit standing.
Million Dollar Man drives a forearm into the head of Parasit.
The Devils Parasit grabs King Million Dollar Man's head and DDT's him on the mat.
The Devils Parasit sucks chants start in the crowd.]

Shark - Good DDT by The Devils Parasit.

[The Devils Parasit moves back to his feet.
Parasit drags King Million Dollar Man to the floor.]

Andi - Million Dollar Man is much safer at ringside. The Devils Parasit can't get a pin there.

[Earl starts the count (.1)
King Million Dollar Man executes a neck scissors on Parasit.]

Shark - Good neck scissors by King Million Dollar Man.

[Now King Million Dollar Man standing. (..2)]

Andi - This is how wrestling should be!

[Parasit moves back to his feet.
(...3) Parasit with a headbutt on Priceless.
(....4) Million Dollar Man bounces The Devils Parasit off the ropes and clotheslines him.
(.....5) They fight into the aisle.
Million Dollar Man and The Devils Parasit move back to ringside.
They fight into the aisle.
Priceless and The Devils Parasit move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
Million Dollar Man hits Parasit with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Million Dollar Man is back on his feet.
King Million Dollar Man hits The Devils Parasit with an elbowdrop.
Priceless gets back to his feet.
Million Dollar Man hits Parasit with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Million Dollar Man is speared by The Devils Parasit.
King Million Dollar Man climbs to his feet.
Parasit locks the figure-four Leglock on King Million Dollar Man.
Earl asks King Million Dollar Man if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... King Million Dollar Man trys to escape. ... King Million Dollar Man is fighting the hold. ... King Million Dollar Man escapes.]

Shark - The Devils Parasit almost won the match! Parasit trys for a body slam but is unable to lift King Million Dollar Man.

[The Devils Parasit drives a forearm into Priceless.
Parasit trys for a vertical suplex but is unable to lift King Million Dollar Man.
Parasit trys for a body slam but is unable to lift Million Dollar Man.
Parasit grabs King Million Dollar Man and piledrives Priceless `s head into the mat.
The Devils Parasit goes for a pin.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - The Devils Parasit has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Parasit!!!

Haggy52 vs. Rudi Mystery (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 330 pounds, from Braunschweig he holds the WBW Intercontinental title belt, Haggy52!!! (crowd cheers )

[The theme of Haggy is playing. Pyro is on the ramp but Haggy enters the arena through the crowd. He moves directly to the ring.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 290 pounds, from Pirmasens he holds the Money in the Bank title belt, Rudi Mystery!!! (crowd cheers *)

[A pyro burns while Rudi Mystery entrance theme Edguy - Ministry of Saints plays. He entered the Ring very slowly. At the ring he jumps on the post an the fans chants his Name.
Haggy52 checks his boots.
Rudi Mystery walks around the ring.
(the bell rings) Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Rudi Mystery bounces Haggy52 off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Haggy52 climbs to his feet.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Haggy52.
They lockup. Rudi Mystery sends Haggy52 to the corner of the ring.
Rudi Mystery bounces Haggy52 off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Haggy52 climbs to his feet.
Haggy52 trys for a Death Valley Driver but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.]

Shark - kick to the groin!

[Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.]

Andi - Rudi Mystery takes a kick to the groin.

[Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Rudi Mystery trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift Haggy52.
Rudi Mystery sends Haggy52 to ringside.
Earl starts the count (.1)
Rudi Mystery cuts Haggy52 with a blade.
Haggy52 is bleeding as a result.
(..2) Rudi Mystery superkicks Haggy52.
Haggy52 gets up.
Rudi Mystery trys for a power bomb but is not strong enough to lift Haggy52.
(...3) Haggy52 trys for a t-bone suplex but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.
(....4) Haggy52 swings a Steel chair and hits Rudi Mystery.
Rudi Mystery is bleeding as a result.]

Andi - What an outstanding match!

[(.....5) They head back into the ring.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Haggy52.
Haggy52 is back on his feet.
Rudi Mystery uses a swinging DDT to plant Haggy52's head into the mat.
Rudi Mystery moves back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery punches Haggy52 repeatedly.]

Shark - Rudi Mystery with a weak move.

[Rudi Mystery bounces Haggy52 off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Haggy52 gets back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Haggy52.
Now Haggy52 standing.
Rudi Mystery trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Haggy52.
Haggy52 trys for a power slam but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.
Rudi Mystery gets locked in the painful STF.
Referee Earl is checking for a tap out.
... Rudi Mystery trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Haggy52 breaks the hold.
Haggy52 and Rudi Mystery go to the floor
Earl starts the count (.1)
Haggy52 swings a Steel chair and hits Rudi Mystery.
Rudi Mystery is bleeding as a result.
(..2) Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.]

Andi - Haggy52 executes a kick to the groin.

[(...3) Rudi Mystery bounces Haggy52 off the ropes and clotheslines him.
(....4) Rudi Mystery punches Haggy52 repeatedly.
Rudi Mystery trys for a power bomb but is not strong enough to lift Haggy52 (.....5)]

Shark - Rudi Mystery can't win the match out there.

[(......6)Rudi Mystery and Haggy52 move back into the ring.
Rudi Mystery bounces Haggy52 off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Rudi Mystery clotheslines Haggy52.]

Andi - Haggy52 takes a weak move.

[Rudi Mystery is speared by Haggy52.
Haggy52 gets up.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery on the mat.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery on the mat.]

Shark - Rudi Mystery takes a stomp.

[Haggy52 stomps Rudi Mystery.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery on the mat.
Haggy52 stomps Rudi Mystery.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery on the mat.
Rudi Mystery is back on his feet.
Haggy52 goes for a sidewalk slam but Rudi Mystery dodges the attack.
Haggy52 drags Rudi Mystery to the floor.
Earl starts the count (.1)
Haggy52 trys for a pumphandle slam but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.
They fight into the aisle. (..2)]

Shark - Rudi Mystery could use some help about now.

[Haggy52 trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.(...3)]

Andi - My God!! What a match! Is this a great match or not?

Shark - Oh yeah!

[(....4) Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
(.....5) Rudi Mystery and Haggy52 move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Haggy52.
Haggy52 is up again.
Haggy52 trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift Rudi Mystery.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.]

Andi - Haggy52 executes a kick to the groin.

[Rudi Mystery bounces Haggy52 off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Rudi Mystery clotheslines Haggy52.
Rudi Mystery uses a swinging DDT to plant Haggy52's head into the mat.]

Shark - Nice swinging DDT by Rudi Mystery.

[Rudi Mystery gets up.
Haggy52 stands up.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.]

Andi - Rudi Mystery takes a kick to the groin.

[Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Haggy52 kicks Rudi Mystery in the groin.
Rudi Mystery trys for a fisherman suplex but is unable to lift Haggy52.
Rudi Mystery trys for a German suplex but is unable to lift Haggy52.
Rudi Mystery superkicks Haggy52.
Haggy52 moves back to his feet.
Rudi Mystery trys for a power bomb but is unable to lift Haggy52.
Haggy52 is speared by Rudi Mystery with the Spear of Padonis.
Rudi Mystery covers Haggy52 hooking the leg.
Earl counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Shark - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Rudi Mystery!!!

Senic vs. Sting (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 257 pounds, from Venice Beach, Kalifornien he holds the WBW Spotlight title belt, Sting!!! (crowd cheers)

[The lights go out in the arena, the music starts to play and Sting appears on the stage.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 170 pounds, from Berlin, Senic!!!

[The music plays and Senic enters with fireworks the arena.
Sting walks around the ring.
Earl checks Senic's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) Sting takes Senic down with an Arabian Facebuster.
Senic hits Sting with a heart punch.
Senic hits Sting with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.]

Shark - Senic with a elbowdrop.

[Senic climbs to his feet.
Sting moves back to his feet.
Sting trys for a double underhook piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Senic.
Sting goes for a fireman's carry into flapjack but Senic dodges the attack.
Sting sends Senic to ringside.
Earl starts the count (.1)
(..2) Sting trys for a snap suplex but is unable to lift Senic.
(...3) Senic kicks Sting in the back of the leg.]

Andi - Senic executes a kick.

[(....4) Sting trys for a reverse DDT but is unable to lift Senic.(.....5)
Sting takes Senic into the ring.
Sting takes Senic down with an Arabian Facebuster.]

Shark - Senic takes a Arabian Facebuster.

[Sting trys for a reverse DDT but is unable to lift Senic.
Sting trys for a snap suplex but is unable to lift Senic.
Senic hits Sting with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Senic kicks Sting in the back of the leg.]

Andi - Senic with a kick.

[Sting moves back to his feet.
Senic dropkicks Sting.
Now Sting standing.
Senic with a headbutt on Sting.
Sting trys for a reverse DDT but is unable to lift Senic.
Sting trys for a snap suplex but is unable to lift Senic.
Senic hits Sting with a heart punch.
Sting gets up.
Senic hits Sting with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Senic hits Sting with a heart punch.
Senic hits Sting with an elbowdrop to the mid-section.
Now Senic standing.
Sting stands up.
Sting goes for a warm up but Senic dodges the attack.
Sting takes Senic down with an Arabian Facebuster.
Sting takes Senic down with an Arabian Facebuster.]

Shark - Senic takes a Arabian Facebuster.

[Sting trys for a snap suplex but is unable to lift Senic.
Sting trys for a reverse DDT but is unable to lift Senic.
Senic kicks Sting in the back of the leg.]

Andi - Senic executes a kick.

[Sting gets back to his feet.
Sting takes Senic down with an Arabian Facebuster.]

Shark - Arabian Facebuster!

[Senic kicks Sting in the stomach.
Sting is back on his feet.
Sting trys for a Scorpion Death Drop but is not strong enough to lift Senic.
Sting double underhook faceslams Senic hard to the Senic.
Referee Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... Senic is fighting the hold. ... ... Senic trys to escape. Senic escapes.]

Andi - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Sting trys for a pumphandle slam but Senic avoids it.
Sting trys for a reverse DDT but is unable to lift Senic.
Senic hits Sting with a heart punch.
Sting stands up.
Senic executes a neck scissors on Sting.
Senic gets back to his feet.
Senic covers Sting hooking the leg.
Earl counts.
...1 ...2
Sting escapes.]

Andi - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Sting is up again.
Senic hits Sting with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Sting is speared by Senic.
Senic climbs to his feet.
Sting gets up.
Senic kicks Sting in the stomach.
Sting climbs to his feet.
Senic hits Sting with a headbutt to the mid-section.
Soviet Strike knocks Sting out.
Senic covers Sting hooking the leg.
Referee Earl makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Shark - Senic has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Senic!!!

InsaneJays Theme erklingt. Gemischte Reaktionen des Publikums folgen. Er kommt mit einem Mikrophon in die Halle und bewegt sich zielgerichtet in den Ring, "So wie die Veranstaltung gestern gelaufen ist, habe ich es nicht erwartet. Das Crusher an Reso scheitern wird, war ja klar. Bei den anderen Titelmatches hätte ich aber schon Titelwechsel erwartet. Naja, das wird schon noch..

Schahin kam vorhin zu mir. Ich sollte ihm ein paar Fragen beantworten. Das werde ich jetzt auch tun. Die Identität des maskierten Wrestlers ist mir natürlich bekannt, aber die bleibt vorerst noch geheim. Er wird in Zukunft weitere Matches betreiten. Dagegen kann ich nichts tun.

Da unser Match durch das Eingreifen von Peter ohne Sieger blieb, liegt die Leitung von WBW weiterhin bei mir. Daran wird sich in Zukunft wohl auch nichts ändern."

Zack Ryder kommt auf die Rampe.

"Gut, dass du raus kommst. Zu dir wollte ich gerade kommen. Bevor ich gestern unterbrochen wurde, war ich im Begriff, eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Während meiner medizinischen Behandlng hatte ich Zeit, nochmal darüber nach zu denken. Ich beschloß, deine Kündigung aufzuschieben. Deswegen konntest du an der Spotlight Championship Battle Royal teilnehmen."

"Wie gnädig von dir Jay. Trotzdem werde ich mich nicht verstellen. Ich mach so weiter wie vorher. Und ich fordere ein weiteres Titelmatch."

"Warst du gestern nicht anwesend? Die Herausforderer werden ab sofort durch das Contendersystem ermittelt. Wenn du einen Shot möchtest, musst du ihn dir verdienen. Falls du dazu überhaupt in der Lage bist."

Jay Reso vs. Jin Kazama (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 242 pounds, from Twilight Town, Jin Kazama!!! (crowd boos )

[The music plays the theme of Shawn Micheals and the Stage goes off in flames and Jin clapped the hands of his fans and wait in the ring for the bell.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Tampa he holds the WBW Hardcore title belt, Jay Reso!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Jay Reso is coming down the ramp greeting all his peeps.
Jin Kazama checks out the ring.
Jay Reso tests out the ropes.
(ring, ring, ring) Jin Kazama hits Jay Reso with a heart punch.
Jin Kazama goes for a pin.
Earl counts.
...1 Jay Reso escapes.]

Shark - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Now Jay Reso standing.
Jay Reso superkicks Jin Kazama.
Jin Kazama goes for a DDT but Jay Reso dodges the attack.]

Shark - Did you see that last move?

Andi - Oh yeah!

[Jin Kazama trys for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Jay Reso.
Jay Reso clothlines Jin Kazama.
Jay Reso moves back to his feet.
Jay Reso executes a jawbreakeron Jin Kazama.
Jin Kazama hits Jay Reso with a heart punch.
Jay Reso uses a swinging DDT to plant Jin Kazama's head into the mat.
Jay Reso is up again.]

Shark - This is how wrestling should be!

[Jay Reso hits a frog splash on Jin Kazama.
Jay Reso chants start.
Now Jay Reso standing.
Jay Reso executes the sleeperhold on Jin Kazama.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... Jay Reso tightens the hold. ... Jay Reso tightens the hold. ... Jay Reso breaks the hold.
Jay Reso executes a jawbreakeron Jin Kazama.
Now Jay Reso standing.
Jay Reso clotheslines Jin Kazama.
Jay Reso superkicks Jin Kazama.
Jay Reso clotheslines Jin Kazama.
Jin Kazama is peep powered by Jay Reso.
Jay Reso covers Jin Kazama.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Jay Reso!!!


Intercontinental Champ Haggy52 trifft Spotlight Champion Sting und gratuliert ihn zu seinem Titelgewinn. "Als du gestern aufgestanden bist, hast du bestimmt nicht damit gerechnet, mit einem Titel nach Hause zu kommen. Bei meinem Gewinn gings mir nicht anders."

Zack Ryder vs. Trulli (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 203 pounds, from Cameron, North Carolina, Zack Ryder!!! (crowd boos **)

[The music plays the heel theme and firework comes down.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 170 pounds, from Salzgitter, Trulli!!! (crowd cheers )

[Trulli comes down to the ring and perform his taunt.
Earl checks Zack Ryder's boots and knee pads.
Trulli walks around the ring.
(ring, ring, ring) Zack Ryder trys for a monkey flip but is unable to lift Trulli.
Trulli executes a jawbreakeron Zack Ryder.]

Andi - Zack Ryder takes a jawbreaker.

[Trulli stands up.
Now Zack Ryder standing.
Zack Ryder bounces Trulli off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Zack Ryder gets up.
Trulli gets back to his feet.
Trulli executes a jawbreakeron Zack Ryder.
Trulli climbs to his feet.
Trulli executes a jawbreakeron Zack Ryder.]

Andi - jawbreaker!

[Trulli is back on his feet.
Trulli punches Zack Ryder repeatedly.]

Shark - Trulli executes a weak move.

[Trulli executes a jawbreaker on Zack Ryder.]

Andi - Trulli executes a jawbreaker.

[Zack Ryder stands up.
Zack Ryder trys for a belly-to-belly superplex but is not strong enough to lift Trulli.
Zack Ryder drags Trulli to the floor.
Earl starts the count (.1)]

Shark - This is how wrestling should be!

[Trulli executes a neck scissors on Zack Ryder.
Trulli climbs to his feet. (..2)]

Andi - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(...3) Trulli punches Zack Ryder repeatedly.
(....4) Zack Ryder bounces Trulli off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
(.....5) Zack Ryder takes Trulli into the ring.
Zack Ryder trys for a monkey flip but is unable to lift Trulli.
Trulli executes a jawbreakeron Zack Ryder.
Trulli trys for a swinging DDT but Zack Ryder avoids it.
Trulli sends Zack Ryder to ringside.]

Shark - Zack Ryder is much safer at ringside. Trulli can't get a pin there.

[Earl starts the count (.1)
Trulli throws a chair at Zack Ryder.]

Shark - Is this a great match or not?

Andi - Yes sir!

[Trulli picks up Zack Ryder and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Now Trulli standing.

Shark - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Now Zack Ryder standing.
(...3) Zack Ryder bounces Trulli off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
Zack Ryder climbs to his feet.
Trulli delivers a spine buster to Zack Ryder.
Trulli suplexes Zack Ryder.
Trulli takes Zack Ryder into the ring.
Trulli piledrives Zack Ryder.
Trulli piledrives Zack Ryder.
Trulli chants start.
Trulli hits a T-Splash on Zack Ryder.
Trulli covers Zack Ryder.
Earl counts.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Shark - Trulli has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match, Trulli!!!

Andi – Das folgende Match hat sich der maskierte Wrestler gewünscht. Er möchte Peter Watkins für sein Einggreifen beim gestrigen Match bestrafen.

Peter Watkins vs. Masked Wrestler (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 306 pounds, from Parts Unknown, Masked Wrestler!!! (crowd boos )

[The masked Wrester walks to the ring and slides into it.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 280 pounds, from the non-existent City of Bielefeld a member of Total Domination, Peter Watkins!!! (crowd boos )

[Peter Watkins comes down to the ring pushing a casket in front of him
Masked Wrestler walks around the ring.
Earl checks Peter Watkins's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) Masked Wrestler superkicks Peter Watkins.
Peter Watkins powerbombs Masked Wrestler.]

Shark - Nice power bomb by Peter Watkins.

[Masked Wrestler is up again.
Masked Wrestler with a headbutt on Peter Watkins.
Peter Watkins puts Masked Wrestler on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Peter Watkins gets up.
Peter Watkins clotheslines Masked Wrestler.]

Andi - weak move!

[Masked Wrestler dropkicks Peter Watkins to the face.
Masked Wrestler executes the sleeperhold on Peter Watkins.
The referee is checking the situation.
... (AHHHH!) ... Masked Wrestler breaks the hold.]

Shark - Masked Wrestler almost won the match!

[They lockup. Masked Wrestler sends Peter Watkins to the corner of the ring.
Masked Wrestler hits Peter Watkins with a heart punch.
Masked Wrestler punches Peter Watkins repeatedly.
Peter Watkins executes the German suplex on Masked Wrestler.
Peter Watkins climbs to his feet.
Masked Wrestler moves back to his feet.
Peter Watkins puts Masked Wrestler in the Ankle Lock Submission. Masked Wrestler is is bad pain!
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... Masked Wrestler trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Masked Wrestler escapes.]

Andi - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Peter Watkins and Masked Wrestler go to the floor]

Shark - Masked Wrestler is much safer at ringside. Peter Watkins can't get a pin there.

[Earl starts the count (.1)
Peter Watkins throws a chair at Masked Wrestler.]

Andi - This is how wrestling should be!

[Peter Watkins superkicks Masked Wrestler.
Peter Watkins hits a frog splash on Masked Wrestler.
Masked Wrestler is back on his feet.
Peter Watkins and Masked Wrestler move back into the ring.
Peter Watkins lifts Masked Wrestler into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Peter Watkins hits a frog splash on Masked Wrestler.
Now Peter Watkins standing.
Peter Watkins piledrives Masked Wrestler with the death driver into the mat.
Peter Watkins goes for a pin.
Earl counts.
...1 ...2 ...3]

Shark - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Peter Watkins!!!

Peter lässt sich ein Mikrophon geben. "Das was gestern geschah, war ein Unfall. Hättest du dir das Match noochmal angesehen, hättest du es gesehen. Ich habe es satt für dich zu arbeiten. Das wars!"

Watkins verlässt den Ring und verschwindet durch das Publikum.
General Manager

Anzahl der Beiträge : 232
Anmeldedatum : 09.01.12
Alter : 33
Ort : Wittenberg


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