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WBW Show (31.03.2014)

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WBW Show (31.03.2014) Empty WBW Show (31.03.2014)

Beitrag  InsaneJay 04.04.14 3:36

Die Fans in der Halle sind aus dem Häuschen. Lange mussten sie auf diesen Moment warten: WBW geht weiter! Als das Licht in der Halle plötzlich aus geht, geben dutzende Blitze von Kameras und Handy einen kurzen Einblick in das Geschehen im und am Ring. Doch viel erkennen kann man aufgrund der viel zu schnell verklingenden Lichtblitze nicht. Bereits nach wenigen Sekunden geht das Hallenlicht wieder an und es präsentiert sich im Ring der General Manager den WBW-Fans.

Nachdem sich die Stimmung etwas beruhigt hat, hält sich der GM das mitgebrachte Mikrophon vor den Mund: "Herzlich Willkommen zu einer neuen WBW Show! Wie ihr sicherlich alle wisst, mussten wir monatelang nach den Vorkommnissen bei WBW Elimination Series unseren normalen Betrieb vorläufig einstellen. Für all diejenigen, die nicht wissen, wovon ich rede, werde ich es kurz zusammenfassen: gerade, als das erste Match beginnen sollte, gab es im Backstage-Bereich eine Explosion. Da nicht klar war, was genau geschehen ist, wurde die Großveranstaltung abgebrochen, noch bevor sie eigentlich angefangen hat. Wie sich später herausgestellt hat, gab es im Büro meines Assistenten ein Gasleck, welches in Kombination mit einem elektrischen Funken diese Explosion ausgelöst hatte. So lautet jedenfalls das Untersuchungsergebnis. Wie ich jedoch schon im Vorfeld zu dieser Show sagte, war es niemals ein Unfall! Es sollte nur so aussehen! Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass es zu einem Plan gehört, WBW zu vernichten. Ich habe es schon länger geahnt, doch so recht wollte mir keiner glauben. Ich bin mir sicher: noch nicht mal Schahin! Doch spätestens jetzt, weiß er, dass es ernst ist. Zusammen werden wir WBW retten!"

Anders als erwartet, fallen die Reaktionen des Publikums auf die Worte des umstrittenen GMs positiv aus. Dies scheint auch InsaneJay etwas zu irritieren. Doch recht schnell weicht dem unsicheren Gesichtsausdruck ein Lächeln. "Unsere Rückkehr zum Tagesgeschäft kommt genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Wir sind nämlich nur wenige Tage entfernt vor WBW Mania! Ich weiß, es ist eine verdammt kurze Zeit, eine richtig gute Großveranstaltung auf die Beine zu stellen, doch ich kann versprechen, dass diese Mania einiges zu bieten haben wird! Ganz egal, wie die Situation auch aussieht! So zum Beispiel das Titelmatch um den WBW Titel. Wie zur WBW Elimination Series geplant, wird Schahin H seinen Titel gegen Dark verteidigen. Dark ist der Wunschgegner des Champs. Das war auch schon der einfache Teil der WBW Mania Matchcard."

Andi - "Wie bitte? Was meint er denn damit schon wieder?"

Der General Manager atmet tief durch. "Die anderen Championships müssen auch ausgetragen. Doch da gibt es einige Probleme..Der IC-Champ Senic und sein Tag Team Partner Alasin, seines Zeichens amtierender WBW Spotlight Champ, die zusammen auch noch unsere WBW Tag Team Champs sind, sind noch nicht aufgetaucht. Sollten sie sich kurz vor Mania noch nicht gemeldet haben, so werden ihre Titel für vakant erklärt. In diesem Falle würden die Titel bei WBW Mania neu ausgekämpft werden. Die Hauptherausforderer auf diese Titel wären dann natürlich mit dabei. Beim IC-Titel ist es slyce, beim Spotlight Titel ist es The Rock und die Nummer-Eins-Herausforderer um den Tag Team Titel sind AAA. Sollte einer der Contender auch nicht auftauchen, dann erhält ein anderer Superstar die Chance auf den Titel.“

John - “Er versucht das Beste aus dieser Situation heraus zu holen. Er wird es auch schaffen!“

„Bevor es nun endlich mit dem ersten Match losgeht, muss ich noch ein paar Worte zum Leitermatch um die WBW Mania Briefcase verlieren. In diesem Jahr werden nur vier WBW Superstars die Chance erhalten, um den WBW Briefcase zu kämpfen. Wie ihr natürlich alle noch wisst, steht der erste Teilnehmer an diesem Match bereits fest. Für all diejenigen, die es vergessen haben: der erste Teilnehmer bin ich! Meine Gegner werden in 3 Qualifikationsmatches ermittelt. Vielen Dank für eure Geduld!“ Mit diesen Worten beendet der General Manager seine Rede und verlässt den Ring..

slyce vs. Tyrox (Qualification for Briefcase Laddarmatch) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match to determine the second participant of the Laddarmatch for the WBW Mania briefcase at WBW Mania! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from West Newbury, Massachusetts a member of ECW, Tyrox!!! (crowd cheers *)

[The Music plays the Theme of John Cena and the Fans are happy.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 210 pounds, from Pitsburgh, Pennsylvania, slyce!!! (crowd boos *)

[Suddenly, slyce appears in the ring.
Tyrox walks around the ring.
slyce walks around the ring.
(ring, ring, ring) Tyrox tackles slyce.
They lockup. Tyrox sends slyce to the corner of the ring.
slyce hits a spinning leg lariat on Tyrox sending him to the mat.
Tyrox is up again.
slyce puts Tyrox on the top rope and executes Destinys Beginning
slyce clotheslines Tyrox.
slyce executes a jawbreakeron Tyrox.
slyce is up again.
slyce punches Tyrox repeatedly.
slyce hits a spinning leg lariat on Tyrox sending him to the mat.
Tyrox gets up.
Tyrox trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift slyce.
Tyrox appllies the camel clutch on slyce.
Dave asks slyce if he quits.
... ... slyce escapes.
Tyrox kicks slyce in the head.
Tyrox clotheslines slyce.
slyce executes a jawbreakeron Tyrox.
slyce is up again.
Tyrox gets up.
Tyrox tackles slyce to the mat.
Tyrox gets back to his feet.
Tyrox punches slyce repeatedly.
Tyrox delivers a kick to the head of slyce.
Tyrox covers slyce hooking the leg.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 slyce escapes.]

Andi - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like slyce.

[slyce moves back to his feet.
slyce nails Tyrox with a springboard dropkick.
slyce sucks chants start in the crowd.
slyce apllies the camel clutch on Tyrox.
Dave is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... Tyrox trys to escape. Tyrox escapes.
slyce and Tyrox go to the floor
Dave starts the count (.1)]

John - What an outstanding match!

[(..2) slyce clotheslines Tyrox.
(...3) Tyrox tackles slyce.
Tyrox is back on his feet.
slyce is up again.
(....4) slyce puts Tyrox on the top rope and executes Destinys Beginning
(.....5) They fight into the aisle.
slyce and Tyrox move back to ringside.
They fight into the aisle.
slyce and Tyrox move back to ringside.
slyce takes Tyrox into the ring.
slyce punches Tyrox repeatedly.
slyce hits a spinning leg lariat on Tyrox sending him to the mat.
Tyrox trys for a top-rope DDT but is not strong enough to lift slyce]

John- slyce could use some help about now.

[Tyrox dropkicks slyce to the knee.
Tyrox is up again.
Tyrox sends slyce to ringside.]

Andi - slyce will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Dave starts the count (.1)
Lionsault for slyce!!!
They fight into the aisle. (..2)]

Andi - Are you enjoying this match?

John- Yeah, you know it.

[(...3) Tyrox kicks slyce in the head.
slyce stands up.
(....4) slyce puts Tyrox on the top rope and executes Destinys Beginning
slyce is back on his feet.
(.....5) slyce and Tyrox move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
slyce punches Tyrox repeatedly.
slyce executes a jawbreakeron Tyrox.
slyce is up again.
Tyrox hits slyce with the Go to Sleep!
Tyrox clotheslines slyce.
Tyrox shows the five knuckle shuffle against slyce.
Now Tyrox standing.
Tyrox hits the flying legdrop across slyce's neck.
Tyrox chants start.
Tyrox clotheslines slyce.
Tyrox appllies the camel clutch on slyce.
Referee Dave is checking for a tap out.
... slyce trys to escape. ... slyce trys to escape. ... ... Tyrox tightens the hold. ... ... ... ... slyce trys to escape. ... ... slyce taps out.]

Andi - Tyrox has won the match!

Tony - The winner of this match and qualified for the WBW Mania Briefcase Laddarmatch, Tyrox!!!

Das Büro des General Managers

Es klopft an der Tür. „Herein!“, ruft Jay dem Anklopfendem zu. Rudi betritt den Raum. „Ah, Rudi! Du möchtest bestimmt deinen Gegner erfahren. Du trittst in einem Qualifikationsmatch um einen Platz im Leitermatch um den WBW Mania Briefcase ein. Dein Gegner kommt jedes mal an und möchte einen Platz in eben diesem Match haben. Damit er nicht wieder an kommt, habe ich mich entschlossen, dass er sich qualifizieren darf. Dein Gegner ist John Morrison! Du solltest dich jetzt besser vorbereiten, denn dein Match ist gleich nach dem folgenden dran.“

Ohne ein Wort gesagt zu haben, verlässt Rudi wieder das Büro.

Crusher vs. Dark (Qualification for Briefcase Laddarmatch) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match to determine the third participant of the Laddarmatch for the WBW Mania briefcase at WBW Mania! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 291 pounds, from Redmon, Washington a member of ECW, Dark!!! (crowd cheers **)

[The lights go out, the music starts, flames are growing on the stage and Dark appears in the flames]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 144 pounds, from Chicago a member of Optic Records, Crusher!!! (crowd boos )

[Crusher goes to the ring and claps the Hands from the Fans. Below it comes Firework.
Dave checks Dark's boots and knee pads.
Crusher tests out the ropes.
(ring, ring, ring) Dark bounces Crusher off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Crusher is back on his feet.
Crusher executes a jawbreakeron Dark.
Crusher is back on his feet.
Crusher gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Dark.
Crusher is up again.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on Dark sending him to the mat.
Dark stands up.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on Dark sending him to the mat.
Now Dark standing.
Dark goes for a back suplex but Crusher dodges the attack.
Dark is speared by Crusher.
Crusher sucks chants start in the crowd.
Crusher gets up.
Crusher punches Dark repeatedly.
Dark bounces Crusher off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Crusher stands up.
Crusher gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Dark.
Dark goes for a pin.
Dave counts the pin.
...1 Crusher escapes.]

John- Dark should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Crusher moves back to his feet.
Crusher executes a jawbreakeron Dark.
Crusher gets up.
They lockup. Crusher sends Dark to the corner of the ring.
Crusher hits a spinning leg lariat on Dark sending him to the mat.
Dark moves back to his feet.
Crusher lifts Dark into the air and delivers a spine buster.]

Andi - Crusher executes a spine buster.

[Crusher executes the sleeperhold on Dark.
Referee Dave is checking for a tap out.
... ... Dark is fighting the hold. ... Crusher breaks the hold.
Crusher nails Dark with a springboard dropkick.
Crusher gets up.
Crusher hits a frog splash on Dark.
Crusher climbs to his feet.
Crusher uses a swinging DDT to plant Dark's head into the mat.
Crusher gets back to his feet.
Dark stands up.
Crusher executes the twisting moonsault on to Dark.
Crusher moves back to his feet.
Crusher grabs Dark's head and DDT's him on the mat with the Faith Breaker.
Crusher covers Dark hooking the leg.
Dave counts.
...1 ...2 ...3]

John- We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, Crusher!!!


Interviewer Gene steht im Catering-Bereich. Er schaut sich um. Es scheint, als würde er auf jemanden warten. „Tut mir Leid, dass du warten musstest!“, ertönt es hinter Gene. Er dreht sich um und sieht, dass der GM da ist. „Kein Problem. So..ich habe gehört, dass nach den Qualifikationsmatches je ein Match zwischen den beiden Kofferträgern und den GMs angesetzt hast. Deshalb meine einzige Frage: Warum?“

„Das ist ganz einfach Gene. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass einer dieser beiden Kofferträger hinter der Explosion und damit am geplanten Ende von WBW steckt. Oder gar Beide.“ Mehr hat der GM anscheinend nicht zu sagen und verlässt mit einem nicken gen Gene den Catering-Bereich.

Rudi Mystery vs. John Morrison (Qualification for Briefcase Laddarmatch) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - his match is a Standard Match to determine the fourth participant of the Laddarmatch for the WBW Mania briefcase at WBW Mania! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 203 pounds, from Cameron, North Carolina a member of ECW, John Morrison!!! (crowd cheers *)

[John Morrison comes to the ring with his theme live for the momet and firework start. The fans cheering.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 290 pounds, from Pirmasens a member of Awesome Asshole Association, Rudi Mystery!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[A pyro burns while Rudi Mystery entrance theme Edguy - Ministry of Saints plays. He entered the Ring very slowly. At the ring he jumps on the post an the fans chants his Name.
John Morrison walks around the ring.
Rudi Mystery walks around the ring.
(ding, ding, ding) John Morrison bounces Rudi Mystery off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Rudi Mystery is up again.
Rudi Mystery is surprised by John Morrison with the RKO!
John Morrison punches Rudi Mystery repeatedly.
John Morrison monkey flips Rudi Mystery onto the mat.]

Andi - monkey flip!

[Now John Morrison standing.
John Morrison punches Rudi Mystery repeatedly.
John Morrison monkey flips Rudi Mystery onto the mat.
Rudi Mystery stands up.
RKO for Rudi Mystery!
John Morrison clotheslines Rudi Mystery.
John Morrison gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Rudi Mystery.
Rudi Mystery is back on his feet.
Now John Morrison standing.
Rudi Mystery sends John Morrison to ringside.
Dave starts the count (.1)
Brogue Kick for Rudi Mystery!!
John Morrison chants start. (..2)]

Andi - WBW is the only place for entertainment like this!

[(...3) John Morrison punches Rudi Mystery repeatedly.
(....4) John Morrison bounces Rudi Mystery off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
Rudi Mystery is back on his feet.
John Morrison puts Rudi Mystery on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex.
John Morrison stands up.
John Morrison and Rudi Mystery move back into the ring.]

John- John Morrison is in a good place to win the match!

[John Morrison punches Rudi Mystery repeatedly.
Rudi Mystery is surprised by John Morrison with the RKO!
John Morrison suplexes Rudi Mystery.
John Morrison chants start.
John Morrison clotheslines Rudi Mystery.
Extreme flying legdrop for Rudi Mystery!!
John Morrison hurricanranas Rudi Mystery and goes for the pin.
Dave counts. ...1 ...2 ...3]

Andi - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, John Morrison!!!

John - „Nun kommen wir zum Match zwischen InsaneJay und Parasit, dem WBW Mania Koffergewinner aus dem Vorjahr. Hat Jay am Ende recht und einer der Koffergewinner steckt hinter den vermeintlichen Plänen, die WBW zu vernichten?“

Parasit vs. InsaneJay (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 260 pounds, from Arkham Asylum a member of Total Domination and Awesome Asshole Association, InsaneJay!!!

[The theme of the InsaneClassic turns on. The audience freaks out. He enters slowly the arena and walks around the ring. Then he slides into the ring and is ready to fight.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 249 pounds, from Toledo, Ohio he holds the WBW Mania Briefcase title belt, Parasit!!! (crowd boos )

[The Hall is dark. You can hear the music of The Devils Parasite that comes through the Crowd. On the way to the Ring, he lies down with Fans because of what they let him feel the same by boo him.
The General Manager talks with Earl.
Parasit checks his boots.
(ring, ring, ring) InsaneJay drives a forearm into Parasit.]

Andi - forearm smash!

[Parasit hits InsaneJay with a heart punch.
They lockup. The Devils Parasit sends The General Manager to the corner of the ring.
The General Manager connects with a low blow. The Devils Parasit goes down.]

John - That's an illegal move!

[InsaneJay covers Parasit.
The ref starts the count.
...1 Parasit kicks out.]

Andi - The General Manager should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[InsaneJawbreaker for Parasit!
The General Manager is back on his feet.
The General Manager covers Parasit hooking the leg.
Referee Earl makes the count.
...1 Parasit escapes.]

John - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[The InsaneClassic is speared by The Devils Parasit.
Parasit is up again.
The InsaneClassic is back on his feet.
The InsaneClassic executes the German suplex on The Devils Parasit.]

Andi - Good German suplex by The InsaneClassic.

[Parasit gets back to his feet.
King InsaneJay executes the sleeperhold on Parasit.
Earl is checking for a tap out.
... The General Manager tightens the hold. ... The General Manager tightens the hold. ... The General Manager breaks the hold.]

John - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

Andi - My God!! What a match!

[The Devils Parasit receives a reverse neckbreaker by The InsaneClassic.
The Devils Parasit climbs to his feet.
Parasit superkicks InsaneJay.
The Devils Parasit clotheslines The InsaneClassic.
The InsaneClassic gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Parasit.
The Devils Parasit receives a reverse neckbreaker by InsaneJay.
King InsaneJay executes the boston crab on The Devils Parasit.
The General Manager is back on his feet.
They lockup. King InsaneJay sends The Devils Parasit to the corner of the ring.
The InsaneClassic executes a jawbreaker on Parasit.
The InsaneClassic is back on his feet.
Parasit moves back to his feet.
InsaneJay low blows Parasit.
Parasit stands up.
The Devils Parasit drives a forearm into the head of King InsaneJay.]

John - The Devils Parasit with a forearm smash.

[The InsaneClassic drives a forearm into Parasit.]

Andi - The General Manager executes a forearm smash.

[The Devils Parasit grabs InsaneJay's head and DDT's him on the mat.
InsaneJay gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Parasit.
The InsaneClassic drives a forearm into The Devils Parasit.]

John - The InsaneClassic with a forearm smash.

[The Devils Parasit with a headbutt on The InsaneClassic.
The Devils Parasit hits King InsaneJay with a headbutt to the mid-section.]

Andi - headbutt!

[Parasit superkicks InsaneJay.
Now InsaneJay standing.
The Devils Parasit forearm smashes King InsaneJay.
The General Manager powerboms Parasit onto the mat.
The InsaneClassic piledrives The Devils Parasit.]

Andi - If King InsaneJay keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!

[InsaneJay sends Parasit to ringside.
Earl starts the count (.1)]

Andi - WBW is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Parasit is back on his feet.
(..2) Parasit hits InsaneJay with a heart punch.
InsaneJay is back on his feet.
The InsaneClassic gives Parasit a reverse neckbreaker.
The General Manager connects with a low blow. Parasit goes down.
Parasit is up again.
The InsaneClassic takes The Devils Parasit into the ring.
The General Manager knocks Parasit out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.
The General Manager executes a jawbreaker on The Devils Parasit.
InsaneJay stands up.
The Devils Parasit climbs to his feet.
InsaneCrunch Superkick for Parasit!!
The InsaneClassic with a Northern Lights Suplex directly on the mat!!
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3]

John - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tony - The winner of this match, InsaneJay!!!

Andi - „Ein weiterer Sieg des General Managers über Parasit. Ob Jay irgendwelche Erkenntnisse aus diesem Match ziehen konnte? Ist Parasit der Übeltäter? Oder ist es The Viper? Oder am Ende doch jemand ganz anderes?“

Schahin H vs. The Viper (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tony - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 255 pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri a member of BroSnake he holds the WBW SummerBrawl Briefcase and the WBW Hardcore title belt, The Viper!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[The old music of Randy Orton starts and firework stars from the stage.]

Tony - and his opponent, weighing in at 152 pounds, from Frankfurt, Germany he holds the WBW title belt, Schahin H!!! (crowd boos ***)

Nichts geschieht. Der Assistant General Manager kommt nicht raus. Auch nicht, nach einer weiteren Ankündigung.

Andi - „Wo bleibt er nur? Hat er nicht mitbekommen, dass er nun ein Match bestreiten muss?“

Die Bilder aus dem Ring weichen einer Live-Einspielung aus dem Backstage-Bereich. In der Ferne erkennt man eine Person am Boden liegen.

John - „Ich glaube, dass ist unser WBW Champ! Da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher! Helft ihm doch endlich!“

Andi - „Liebe Fans, damit ist unsere Show wohl beendet. Unser Mainevent wird so nicht stattfinden können. Bis zum nächsten Mal!“

John - „Damit dürfte klar sein, wer hinter dem angestrebten Ende von WBW steckt!“
General Manager

Anzahl der Beiträge : 232
Anmeldedatum : 09.01.12
Alter : 33
Ort : Wittenberg


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